Bible 323-B05
February 14, 2013
Throughout Jesus walk on the earth He performed many miracles amongst His disciples that we have no acknowledgement of. The signs that we are aware of in John were put there so that we would believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of the Most High God in Heaven. I believe there were many more because Jesus had such a hidden life in His beginnings.
In the book of John we know from our reading that there were at least eight known miracles during Jesus’s time on the earth that He performed. My paper will give a brief description of each and how they reveal His deity.
The first miracle was when Jesus and His disciple showed up at a wedding ceremony in Cana of Galilee, near Nazareth that had already started. It is said according to John that Jesus may have showed up on the third day. Jesus mother Mary was already at the wedding, and when He arrived she noticed Him and brought to Jesus’s attention that they had ran out of wine. Mary had already known that her son could fix the problem because of who He was. When His mother Mary approached Him, He stated to her that His hour had not yet come referring to His crucifixion. Mary being a woman of great faith understood what Jesus was saying and informed the servants to follow Jesus instructions. Jesus told them to fill six pots with water, and after that Jesus miraculously allowed for each of the pots to fill with some high quality wine for the wedding party to drink. The changing of the water to wine demonstrated to the people the power of Jesus and the hope for a new beginning.
In His deity, Jesus was allowing for His disciples to see that He was able to perform miraculous signs, and that God is the only one that can change one substance into another with His creativity and power.
In the Gospel of John, the second miracle was when Jesus healed a nobleman’s son. This young man’s father according to John was a
Bibliography: Keener, C. S. (1993). The IVP Bible background commentary: New Testament. Downers Leon Morris, Jesus in the Christ: studies in the theology of John (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1989). F. F. Bruce, New International Bible Commentary, Rev Sub ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1999). Elmer Towns, The Gospel of John: Believe and Live (21st Century Biblical Commentary Series) (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2002).