Deval Khandal
* International Marketing – An Introduction * Marketing Environment * Culture * Values * Heroes * Rituals * Symbols * Formation of Individual’s Cultural Value System * Consumer Ethnocentrism * Elements Contributing Culture * Political Element * Economic Element * Socio-cultural Element * Benefits of Understanding Culture * Some examples of Cultural Mistakes * References
International Marketing – An Introduction
A group of activities that satisfies the costumer across the national boundaries, through exchange process, is called international marketing. In domestic market marketing starts with identifying the needs of costumer and then meeting the needs of individuals. But in case of international marketing it is different from domestic marketing, customer needs are different in different cultures. Moreover, marketing activities need to be changed according to the economic, social, cultural or political environment.
“At its simplest level, international marketing involves the firm in making one or more marketing decisions across national boundaries. At its most complex level, it involves the firm in establishing manufacturing facilities overseas and coordinating marketing strategies across the globe.” (Doole and Lowe, 2001)
Larry D. Makus states that engaging in international marketing gives several embryonic rewards. Exporting market bestow elongation chances, which are not certain in domestic market. Exporting may show a tremendous increase in revenues from international market without increasing the present product line. International marketing is full of competition and challenges, overcoming these situations give constructive ramifications to the business.
International marketing
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