Reading is the first step and most important component in literacy. If a person reads extensively, then he or she is more likely to attain good grades in school and have a good chance of having a rewarding career in the future. People who read are more likely to become successful in life. Reading can be very beneficial to all. Over time, people who read will develop a large vocabulary and therefore allow them to understand very complex ideas. According to Paul Shoebottom, his findings on the importance of reading indicate that:
Educational researchers have also found a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary knowledge. In other words, students who have a large vocabulary are usually good readers. This is not very surprising, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read extensively, and if you read extensively you are likely to be or become a good reader! (Shoebottom, 1996-2007, p. 1).
With this advantage, one can be successful in terms of academics as well as career opportunities. The promotion of reading in a person’s life will contribute to his or her academic success and increase the chances of obtaining a rewarding career. This is very important because without the promotion of reading there will be more illiterate people in the world, thus contributing to the social and political strain in today’s society: poverty and low-income families. Many people stress that reading is an important part of learning in life.
Being able to read is the most important skill a person can have. The greatest importance of reading is being able to