Researchers. The study will improve and develop the compliance of respondents from the data gathered and insights elicited as a basis for their planning, implementation and evaluation.
Nurses. This research may help the nurses to conduct and supplement information to the respondents through community health teaching regarding oral contraceptives specifically compliance of oral contraceptives users.
Health Care Provider/ Physicians. They will be able to provide all necessary information to oral contraceptive users as an increment for effective family planning and prevention of further complaints and complications.
Clients/Respondents. This research will help the respondents to have adequate knowledge about oral contraceptives, their responsibility upon compliance and its advantages and disadvantages.
Institution. After conducting the study, institution will formulate ways and programs for student nurses in the community areas for proper health teachings programs that will indicate compliance, types, indications, danger signs and much information relevant for effective controlling of overpopulation with the use of OCPs.
Readers. Information gathered and evaluated in this study may help readers to contribute in the dissemination of information regarding latest information about oral contraceptives pills and it will also benefit the readers who plan to use family planning method.
Users of Oral Contraceptive Pills. It will help them identify the best proper usage of OCP’s through their compliance, types of OCPs that really fits them, alternative on Missed Pills, the probable side effects, contraindications and many more that is studied in this research. Couples should be well-informed for effective birth control as a purpose for affluent life as a family.
This chapter presents the summary of findings which shows the statistical findings on the results of the