
Significant Relationships in Emily Bronte's, Wuthering Heights

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Significant Relationships in Emily Bronte's, Wuthering Heights
1000 Word essay- Wuthering Heights

Emily Bronte explores a complex web of relationships in “Wuthering Heights” write about one relationship which you consider an important one, and explore it’s significance in the novel as a whole

In the novel of Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte creates a number of different relationships significant throughout the novel. One of the most significant relationships is the one of Heathcliff and Edgar Linton where one of the main themes of revenge and hatred is caused by the never ending conflict between these two main characters in the novel. Heathcliff and Edgar Linton are main characters in the novel of Wuthering Heights where they were of the very few who were able to see through both generations. The conflict started when Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff were caught Spying in the Linton’s family home. After this incident, Hindley sent Catherine to live with the Linton’s where she could learn how to play properly and make friends with people of a higher class. Catherine had been banned from seeing Heathcliff and had become friends with Edgar and Isabella; this made Heathcliff very Jealous and from that day forward the theme of Jealousy came into the novel. Heathcliff became the most jealous of Edgar when he overheard a conversation between Nelly Dean and Catherine, where Catherine was telling Nelly that Edgar proposed to her. She was not aware Heathcliff could hear and said she felt she would have been degraded if she married Heathcliff: “It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now”. Overhearing this conversation triggered Heathcliff to run away where he could find a way to prove to Catherine he was worthy of her love.

He came back a few years later a completely changed man, he was still as handsome as before but he had money and had managed to set himself up to a higher class. When he came back Catherine had already married Edgar however she still had strong feelings for Heathcliff and felt attached to him even after

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