Effects of Different Kinds of Light to Plant Growth
COURSE TITLE Natural Science 1
Acosta, Ezekiel
Binayan, Jazmin
Calzado, Marivic
Calundan, Kaycee
The purpose of this research paper is to determine and compare the effects of the natural light, artificial light, and little to no light to growing young plants and know which method grows the healthiest and fastest plants.
In this research, seeds placed in plastic cups were placed in different areas with different lightings but similar temperature and humidity. Each cup received a different kind of lighting but all had 12 hours of little to no light each day. The cups were monitored and observed for 3 weeks.
The results are the seeds that received little to no light had grown the most but the seeds that were exposed to natural light had the healthiest parts. The seeds that were exposed to artificial light were in the middle with almost the same height as those who received little to no light, but slightly greener.
With this information we conclude that natural light works best in producing healthy plants and that artificial is similar to having little to no light.
In the mid-1600, Flemish physician Jan Baptista Van Helmont conducted an experiment wherein he planted a young willow tree inside a pail of soil and allowed it to grow for 5 years. After 5 years, he observed that the willow gained 164 pounds to its original weight, but the soil only lost 2 ounces. Van Helmont then concluded that the willow tree did not get most of its nutrients from the soil and hypothesized that it gets most of its weight from the water accumulated over the past 5 years. In the 1770s, Dutch scientist Jan Ingenhousz discovered that plants release oxygen after observing green plants placed underwater release bubbles, while Swiss botanist Jean Senebier discovered that CO2 is required in plant growth.
References: http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio104/photosyn.htmBrooker, Widmaier, Graham, Stiling. Biology Second Edition Campbell, Niel (1994). Biology 4th ed