The story takes place in a time where Japan is transforming from a land with many influences and civil war to a nation that is unified under a leader that is bent on keeping Japanese traditions alive. The statement that "Shusaku Endo once likened his Christian pilgrimage to a young boy squirming inside a suit of clothes. The boy may perhaps search endlessly for a better-fitting suit, or perhaps a kimono, but cannot find one. Instead, Shusaku Endo explained, "[I] re-tailored with my own hands the Western suit. . . and changed it into a Japanese garment that would fit my Japanese body." The two garments represent the two different cultures. The suit represents Europe and Christianity, where the kimono symbolizes Japan and Buddhism. Both are very steadfast in their beliefs and unwilling to make compromises. Shusaku Endo found himself stuck in the middle as a Japanese native but also as a Christian that was baptized at the age of eleven. By saying he retailored the suit and made it into a Japanese garment he is just saying that he took his religious beliefs that were primarily European and molded those concepts around those of Japan and their
The story takes place in a time where Japan is transforming from a land with many influences and civil war to a nation that is unified under a leader that is bent on keeping Japanese traditions alive. The statement that "Shusaku Endo once likened his Christian pilgrimage to a young boy squirming inside a suit of clothes. The boy may perhaps search endlessly for a better-fitting suit, or perhaps a kimono, but cannot find one. Instead, Shusaku Endo explained, "[I] re-tailored with my own hands the Western suit. . . and changed it into a Japanese garment that would fit my Japanese body." The two garments represent the two different cultures. The suit represents Europe and Christianity, where the kimono symbolizes Japan and Buddhism. Both are very steadfast in their beliefs and unwilling to make compromises. Shusaku Endo found himself stuck in the middle as a Japanese native but also as a Christian that was baptized at the age of eleven. By saying he retailored the suit and made it into a Japanese garment he is just saying that he took his religious beliefs that were primarily European and molded those concepts around those of Japan and their