Chapter 2: The trend of humans harming their environment has grown upward for a time now. Carson claims in Chapter 2 that individuals have debased nature with hazardous and lethal chemicals. She goes into detail in this chapter that the amount of pesticides and chemicals being created and put into the atmosphere is dangerous and happening at a very rapid rate. At a point in the chapter, Carson calls pesticides “biocides” which goes to show that they do much more than just kill the intended insects they are meant for. Rather than that, pesticides kill all creatures including ourselves.…
Silent Spring was a book written by Rachel Carson. It was about how chemicals pollute the world and how they harm people’s health. This book made people think and had a large impact on passing the environmental movement. In the 70s they were trying to promote healthy environments.…
It is a reoccurring problem that whenever an individual sets forth to do something they solely think in the present, rather than the future. This becomes a conundrum because in the end other people, or things, might be negatively affected. Rachel Carson, noted biologist, published "Silent Spring", a book that pertained to the environment and was written to change American'a attitude toward the environment around us. In "Silent Spring" Carson targets the hostile actions committed towards birds which result in other animals also being negatively impacted. Carson uses an array of rhetorical strategies, ranging from creating a serious and justified tone, to exaggerating the situation, and lastly by using rep it ion to get her point across. To begin with, the start of…
|Silent Spring |This was a book written that was exaggerated a little about all the pollution and what it can do to…
In Margaret Fuller’s novel Summer on the Lakes, in 1843, Fuller states, “To a girl really skilled to make home beautiful and comfortable, with bodily strength to enjoy plenty of exercise, the woods, the streams, a few studies, music and the sincere and familiar intercourse, far more easily to be met here than elsewhere, would afford happiness enough.”(Fuller, 461) Fuller believes that living in harmony with nature will cause people, especially women since Fuller supports women’s rights, to gain happiness and become independent from the lifestyle of urban cities. Fuller is correct in her assertion. Yet, with the continued actions/methods of these oil companies, if incidents continue to occur, then eventually there will be less and less nature for which humans will be able to enjoy. Even though there are national parks which protect sections of land, the amount of protected land continue to be very insignificant compared to the amount of unprotected land. With the loss of a majority of nature, the human population would struggle even more to sustain itself and provide for the already large population inhabiting the planet.…
In “ Everybody’s Guilty – The Ecological Dilemma, “ author and professor of Human Ecology at University of California, Santa Barbara, Garrett Hardin, explains the current issue with invisible reverberations. Hardin calls attention to the readers about how innocent actions by individuals can inflict on the environment. “ We all acquiesce in the system of arrangements and practices that has created our ecological crisis” (Hardin, 40). In order to approve of our actions, individuals tend to hide from reality behind symbols and/or words. Incorporating rhetoric into our everyday lives does this.…
In Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" she calls attention to the dangers of pesticides. Through her use of imagery, rhetorical questions, and similes she has created a very passionate argument towards whether or not farmers should use these poisons that affect much more than they think.…
This entry focuses mainly on the chemical DDT, which is over consumed on various vegetation, however, the overall idea is regarding our environment and how human actions are abolishing it, although it may be unintentional. To be more specific, the central idea consists of the environmental actions that are backfiring on our population in a negative way. Furthermore, in my opinion, Rachel Carson desires to spread awareness about the harmful deeds that are destroying our environment and our society’s health.…
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring is an environmental novel that aimed to encourage action against the use of pesticides. Pesticides are insect repellents, which are chemicals meant to only kill insects that hurt plants but damage the environment. Carson’s book has been praised for raising public awareness on pesticides. In fact, it has since then made the government ban several of them, like DDT. While others say that pesticides should be kept to protect crops from harmful insects, many say that the pesticides are too damaging to the environment to use and they should be banned.…
The 1950's to 1960's were characterized by and catalyzed the national environmental movement, which increased people's environmental awareness in the nation. Rachel Carson, a biologist, wrote a book discussing the destructive effects of pesticides to inform the public and urge them to act against the use of these damaging poisons. In the excerpt from Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, Carson states that the use of parathion is not worth the damage down to the natural world by describing its widespread damage to nature and placing guilt on farmers' for their ignorance to the harm done on society.…
The book, Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson is regarded as the most significant environmental novel as it was the start of the environmental movement. This book highlights the human poisoning of the biosphere through chemicals aimed at pests and disease control, particularly dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). DDT pesticides were particularly harmful because as they entered the biosphere, they not only killed the bugs but also entered the food chain. DDT accumulated in the fatty tissues of animals and humans which had potential to cause cancer and genetic damage. This also contaminated world food supply as DDT can enter any animal that we eat. Despite the immense effect of DDT some insects survived and passed on their resistance resulting in tougher descendants, so more toxic insecticides needed to be…
We are destroying our environment only to change our surroundings into what we think is more esthetically pleasing. I agree with Thompson’s evaluation of the Nacerima culture and behavior. We cannot exist on only man made products. By altering our environment we are changing the quality of the very things we need for our survival. Everything that we do has an impact on something else. The cars that we conveniently drive every day are contaminating the air in which we breathe. Not convinced? Just take a look at global warming. We are responsible.…
What lessons, if any, have we learned from the dust bowl catastrophe—about how human actions, well-intentioned or not, can lead to environmental damage? Is there anything comparable on the horizon today?225). What lessons, if any, have we learned from the dust bowl catastrophe—about how human actions, well-intentioned or not, can lead to environmental damage? Is there anything comparable on the horizon today? Drawing on more contemporary examples of environmental disasters or concerns, write a paper that explores how this debate continues to be timely or that takes a stand on this debate.…
In "The Obligation to Endure," Rachel Carson explains how man is destroying earth because of the advancements in science, along with the continuous use of numerous chemicals. During her essay, she points out to the reader that humans continue to use chemicals to produce our products since they like having the ability to manage the growth of the plants. Carson argues that the use of chemicals is damaging "poisoning" nature along with destroying our environment…
Although a lot of effects have manifested in today’s time, there’s only a little effort exerted to lessen these harms. First, critics pointed out that the nature is an ever-evolving entity. As it is ever-evolving, whatever we do to it – may it be good or bad – actually doesn’t have any bearing because it is destined to change the nature that we once knew. Another thing that critics pointed out was that humans are part and parcel of nature itself. Critics say we are one with nature. If this is the case, it is possible for ourselves to be blamed for whatever experiences nature we have and we can be held liable because we are nature.…