Micky Chan
Lecturer: Bruce Stainsby
Opinion Piece
Topic: Case history of Silk Cut advertising
Date: 26/8/2005
Cigarette advertising in UK has been changed because of the rules and regulation set by Advertising Standards Authority (known as ASA), it basically tightens the creative freedom to cigarettes advertising.
However, Silk Cut advertising has successfully launched a campaign that break through the tradition of cigarette ad, as well as print ad in the world. This document will be covered the areas of, why the campaign was launched, the location of the campaign had run, the reason behind and the people who created it.
Who creative the Silk Cut campaign?
The classic Silk Cut campaign had been produced by the legendary creative director, Paul Arden and his agency’s head, Charles Saatchi.
Cigarette giant Gallagher corporation had entrusted the Silk Cut campaign to the British based agency, Saatchi & Saatchi. In the late
80s, the account was shifted to M&C Saatchi until the end of the campaign as cigarettes advertising was totally banned in public. Others art directors who was involved the campaign in Saatchi & Saatchi include Graham Fink, Bill Gallagher and Alexandra Taylor. The people who were in charged the campaign in M&C Saatchi include, Simon
Dicketts, chief executive director, Moray MacLennan, the chief executive officer and Martin Casson, who was in charged the sponsored event in the 1996 Edinburgh Festival1.
fig. 1
fig. 2
Why Silk Cut campaign was the classic?
In the time when Saatchi & Saatchi acquired the Silk Cut account, cigarette advertising was not allowed to show to product and its name.
Other regulations include, it cannot associated with any social groups, the result of success in business, evoking people to start smoking, masculinity and femininity and it is not allowed to associated with glamour and sport2. On the other hand, Silk Cut was promoted as a low tar cigarette,