By: Author: Mr. Imran Latif Patel, (T.Y.B.Sc.Biotechnology) Co-Author: Prof. Mrs. Ragini Deshpande. (M.Phil, Biophysics) New Arts, Com. And Science college, Ahmednagar. (University of Pune.)
ABSTRACT: Nanobiotechnolgy has become the subject of discussion at global level. Nanoparticles are proving themselves “VITAL” in various fields like biomedical sciences, magnetics, optoelectronics, nanochips production,etc. Nanoparticles are been commonly used in various drug therapies.Uptil now, pioneers from this field have atttained success of synthesising nanoparticles from micro-organisms like fungi, bacteria, yeast, etc. Nanowires and nanotubes can be prepared by extraction of this nanoparticles from their source. This study is concerned with extraction of intracellularly produced silver nanoparticles from the fungus Verticillium terrestre . Further innovations in this nanoparticles synthesis are also included in this project..
The study of nanomaterials(1nm=10-9m) has increased a lot due to their fundamental properties, organizations to appear as superstructures. Nanoparticles are having many applications such as optoelectronics2,3,catalysis4,5, reprography6, single electron transistors and light emitters 7,8, non linear optical devices9,10, photoelectrochemical applications11. They are also applied in biomedical sciences, magnetics, mechanics and energy sciences12. Innovations in this nanoparticles will play an important role in various fields for upcoming century12. Various techniques involved in production of nanoparticles resemble intake of high capital as well as inefficient use of energy and material. Hence many researchers have turned their attention for biological systems for preparation of these nanoparticles. Various types of organisms like bacteria,