Per.4 AP Euro
Martin Luther vs. John Calvin Martin Luther and John Calvin had many similar and many different ideas about political authority and social order. This idea came to a point were the people change their way of living and the attitude. Luther was a professor, teaching at the church and he attended at the University of Erfurt. Calvin was born from a French family and had the church benefices to attend the best possible education at Parisian colleges and law degree. These two formers of the Reformation had same and different ideas for the churches way of teaching. There were some similar ideas between Luther and Calvin about the political authority and social order. Both Calvin and Luther were Protestant
reformers who wanted to curb the abuses of the Catholic Church and return to a more spiritual Christianity. Luther and Calvin believed that people had to obey the church political authorities. They both believe the political authorities should change from monarchy to the reformed church. They both sought regional ecclesiastical autonomy. They also believed in the power of lay people to read and interpret the scriptures: Calvin on the elect and Luther on equal in God eye`s (the Kingdom of God). On the other hand, Luther and Calvin had different ideas about the political authorities and social order. Luther believed in the political and religious autonomy of the state. He also did not want to alter the current political structure. He needed the support of the German princes.
Calvin believed that the church and state should be one. In Geneva, there was cooperation between magistrates and the clergy in matter of internal discipline. Luther was a social conservative and did not want to restructure society (Peasants` Revolt). Luther also believed that the people were equal in the eyes of the Lord only. Calvin wanted to society according to his moral code. He was socially more egalitarian. The concept of the elect and the combination of church and state forced everyone to live by the same moral rules. Martin Luther and John Calvin had many similar and different ideas about political and social order. They both had same concepts about the church and trying to change the way of teaching. The people change their way of living due to this causes of changes between the society and the political authorities. They stop the abuse of authority between the churches. They were both reformers of the reformation at this period of time.