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A similarity of Islam and Christianity is that they both believe in one God (Christianity Jesus) (Islam Allah). A difference is that both religions have different countries of origin. Islam originated from Makkah and Madina which is situated in Saudi Arabia and Christianity originated from Jerusalem in Israel. Islam began in the 7th century, God sent his message through the prophet Mohammed showing how to worship…
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Christianity and Islam are two of the most practiced religions in the world, and have been for centuries. These two faiths are both monotheistic, which means they worship one God, or Allah. Started over 2000 years ago, Christianity is based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ and was spread throughout the Roman Empire. The religion of Islam began early in 600 C.E. by the prophet Muhammad, and he spread the word of Allah. These religions spread quickly in Europe and the Middle East. As they progressed, new trading routes came about in these areas. Overtime, Christianity and Islam developed opinions about the trading and businesses activity and the people who pursued it. According to the religion’s holy books, the Bible and Qur’an,…
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Islam shares more similarities with Christianity than one might think. Both religions believe in only one god with similar traits, the men Moses and Jesus as important figures, and have roots in Judaism. However, Islam also has many differences. The primary figure of Islam is the Prophet Muhammad who received God’s final message through the Archangel Gabriel. Muhammad’s teachings and way of life are included in the Qur’an, which is the Islamic holy book. With the support of his wife and his uncle, Chief Abu Talib, Muhammad avoided persecution from the people of Mecca. After they died, he was forced to leave to the city of Medina due to pressures of polytheistic Meccan merchants that were threatened by his teachings. This move is called the…
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There are hundreds of different religions practiced all over the world. Christianity and Judaism are two religions with similar origins, but varying beliefs, practices and teachings. With many comparable components, I will decipher the difference between the two goals of religion, life after death, and the direction of prayer.…
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Christianity is different from Islam and Judaism in many ways, one being the holy book that Christians believe in. It is called the bible and it contains two testaments called the New Testament and the Old Testament. The beliefs for Christians are also very different because they believe that god has three parts, God the father, God the son, and the Holy Spirit. They also believe that Jesus is divine, a part of god and that he died on the cross. Another key believe was that you obtain salvation by following Jesus’ teachings. Christianity is also the only religion without a sacred language. The rituals for Christians contain an ordinary ministry and have priests and rituals of the faith. There holy building is called a church, and Christians worship in it every Sunday experiencing sacraments, reciting there creed, praying and reading from the bible. They also have seven sects which are all different from Judaism and Hinduism.…
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During the Post Classical Period, from their respective religious origins to the 1500s, the Christian anti - merchant attitude sharply contrasts with the Islamic pro - merchant attitude towards trade. Both Christianity and Islam's attitudes gradually became more neutral, more moderate towards the end of the Post - Classical.…
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Overtime, from 600-1450 C.E., the Sui dynasty and the Byzantine empire were similar in the…
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Many religions share a lot of similar values amounst each other. Most especially Islam and Christianity are extremely similar and are most commonly known as the Abrahamic Faiths. Abrahamic religions are religions that all view Abraham as an important person in their lineage. He is connected in both faiths although he plays different roles in the different religions. In Islam, he is considered to be a prophet. For Christians, Abraham is important because he is the father of the people of Israel and therefore a fore bearer of Christ. All of these religions are monotheistic and all their followers are all "People of the Book", believing that Gods word is revealed in their holy book. Christians and Muslims are both ethical religions. They are both concerned to ensure that their followers should lead their lives morally upright and in accordance to Gods will. Overall, there are many similarities in the foundation of Islam and Christianity like the Creed of both religions, how both faiths are encouraged to give alms and the period of fasting that both religions have.…
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Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, christianity and Islam. All of these religion govern the way of life for billions of people. These religions preach similar philosophies especially when it comes to life after death. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, are the most similar religions. In order for their followers to achieve salvation they must live a righteous life and follow the rules set upon them by their holy books and prophets. Each of these religions have similar approaches to salvation except when it comes to christianity. Christians believe that without believing that Jesus is there lord and savior one can not achieve salvation. They also believe that if one accepts jesus but still has sin, he will go to purgatory until his soul is cleansed. Muslims and Jews on the other hand, believe that even if one did not follow their specific religion, but a derivative of it they can achieve salvation after the process of purgatory. If one lives a righteous life but didn’t follow the religion completely he will not go to Hell. instead, he will go through the process of purgatory, which is the preparation of soul so that it can enter heaven. In Judaism and Islam, if one is righteous, he will have a chance for salvation even if he didn’t necessarily believe.…
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(57b) There is clear evidence that the afterlife is conceived very similarly in all three of these religions. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all believe that there are two spheres of the afterlife called Heaven and Hell, and in the Quran, the Bible, and the Torah, Heaven and Hell are both described very similarly, ultimately with Hell being a fiery place of torment and Heaven being an eternal paradise. Though these religions have many differences, one thing that remains constant across all three religions is the existence and the nature of the…
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There are hundreds of religions throughout the world but the two most examined seem to be Christianity and Islam. These two religions have been brought into the spotlight throughout the years but more recently so with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. People speculate on rumors of each religion but how much do we actually know? Unless you are a religious scholar, odds are you do not know any more than what the internet and television tell you. Each religion has its own view on creation, the end times, the afterlife and the behaviors its members must maintain in order to achieve a place in such. These two religions may have their different views but are they truly that much different? Over the next couple of pages we will take a look at each religion and their religious views and beliefs.…
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In our society from the earliest times to now there has been religion. And these religions consisted of people who had a voice in how the organization in a way viewed something. In views and opinions there are both disagreeing parts and parts that agree. Christianity and Islam both had agreeing and disagreeing views on merchants. The higher classmen of Christianity and Islam agree and the scholars agree with each other, but the underclassmen of these religions disagree.…
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Two of the largest religions in the world today didn’t just get this way overnight. Both these religions emerged throughout time and spread in various ways. Christianity existed several centuries prior to the birth of Islam, and by the time Muhammad founded Islam in the Middle East, Christianity had moved its center to Europe, where it had firmly established itself as the official religion. But Christianity originally sprouted in the Middle East after Christ's resurrection in A.D. 30. During this early period, Christianity did not expand far beyond Jerusalem. Islam was founded about 550 years later, around the beginning of the seventeenth century. In 610 A.D. Muhammad claimed that he received revelations from God that called him to preach a new religion called Islam. At first he began to do so secretly, but after three years he found the courage to proclaim his new faith publicly and gained a growing number of followers. Islam's growth was limited during this time, and it did not spread far beyond Mecca. Eventually, Muhammad left Mecca and he fled to Medina. He gained many followers here as well. However, his monotheistic message was not well received by many in his polytheistic city. As a result, the early Muslim converts faced persecution, just as the early Christians had. During the first two centuries, Christians did not force their religion on others but relied on missionaries and preaching. When Islamics attacked or occupied new territory, they gave its inhabitants three options: convert to Islam, pay a special tax, or die.…
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Both religions use crosses. Scriptures used in both religions is The Holy Bible, the Old and New Testaments. Their goal is to give Glory to God, and share eternal life with him in his kingdom. Both religions worship in churches, chapels, cathedrals, bible studies. Both religions believe that man has inherited original sin from Adam, and man kind is evil and is in extreme need for the forgiveness of sin. Both religions believe that if you believe and follow the pathway of the righteous you will have eternal salvation in heaven and if you do not you live eternal damnation in…
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