What Michael is also trying to convey is that, if you fail to tip the person that is serving you, you may be directing and even considerably affecting that person's level of income. Whether we tip or not, we affect the person's income in some way. Even if the person who is serving you is doing a good job at it or not, that person is expecting you to give them a tip anyway. They expect us to tip them simply for doing what they've already been paid to do. In this essay, the author gave a significant example why under tipping is somewhat a problem. For example, "A friend of the authors who under tipped a cabdriver was knocked over by the driver a few seconds she stepped out of the cab because she under tipped the cabdriver." As a result of it she suffered a fracture in her right leg and the driver claimed it was an accident. Michael Lewis also mentions that tipping has become a usual thing. People have made tipping somewhat a tradition or a routine. But how long is this so called
What Michael is also trying to convey is that, if you fail to tip the person that is serving you, you may be directing and even considerably affecting that person's level of income. Whether we tip or not, we affect the person's income in some way. Even if the person who is serving you is doing a good job at it or not, that person is expecting you to give them a tip anyway. They expect us to tip them simply for doing what they've already been paid to do. In this essay, the author gave a significant example why under tipping is somewhat a problem. For example, "A friend of the authors who under tipped a cabdriver was knocked over by the driver a few seconds she stepped out of the cab because she under tipped the cabdriver." As a result of it she suffered a fracture in her right leg and the driver claimed it was an accident. Michael Lewis also mentions that tipping has become a usual thing. People have made tipping somewhat a tradition or a routine. But how long is this so called