The three empires in West Africa: Ghana, Shongai, Mali, which was mostly based off salt and gold trade. The Muslims had a administration that was focused on maintaining and being able to explore as well as expand like China. Part of this was a request of culture learning (scientific invesitgation), you were to prove yourself before you were welcomed, it took alot of belief and power to show your culture. Your culture represents your various patterns,laws, and values for which we were all born and given at a distinctive time. It was a demand to show our true value of social justification rather than social stratification and being able to outbreak the major concerns that were being outlawed, and forming them into various expansions. Islamic faith began in the Arabic world but than began to spread where local culture, geography, language and ethnicity influenced beliefs and practices.Much of this cultural backgroud continously required faith and dedication, in order to "properly understand the role of religions in human societies, the course contends, we must go beyond descriptive summaries of beliefs and practices and look at them as a living and dynamic traditions that are constantly changing according to context and circumstance of their adherents" ( Muslim Histories and …show more content…
Following the Koran rules showed true dedication along with true happiness they believed, along with focusing on religious factors that brings no doubt to success. While "the Cultural Revolution in China is now universally considered a crime, the people behind the Cultural Revolution in the West in many ways won, and are in a near-hegemonic position in our media and academia to shape public discourse. The Chinese Cultural Revolution was, by comparison, a violent, but briefer episode, while in the West it became an institutionalized, ongoing project stretching over decades, continuing its mission of discrediting Western culture and disconnecting Westerners from their religious roots from within Western universities and media" (Brusells). China had a very long tradition of moving their government but actually never being colonized. Even though it was annonymous that China is the number one. While its government is rational in not dictating trade along with resistance on trying to take over mandatory requests to improve the rural