Simple humane acts like laughing, consuming alcohol, taking part in leisure activities, and even grocery shopping were forbidden during this time of grief. This identical kind of coercion was evident during the Two Minute Hate at the start of 1984. "The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in” (Orwell 18). Winston's incapacity to act independently and his need to fit in with what everyone else was doing are best illustrated by this comment. Winston made the decision to follow the throng despite being aware that he was being persuaded. In 1984, the public was required to accept Big Brother as a divine being. Koreans were likewise required to accept that with King Jong II. If not, they would have both been guilty of thoughtcrime and
Simple humane acts like laughing, consuming alcohol, taking part in leisure activities, and even grocery shopping were forbidden during this time of grief. This identical kind of coercion was evident during the Two Minute Hate at the start of 1984. "The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but, on the contrary, that it was impossible to avoid joining in” (Orwell 18). Winston's incapacity to act independently and his need to fit in with what everyone else was doing are best illustrated by this comment. Winston made the decision to follow the throng despite being aware that he was being persuaded. In 1984, the public was required to accept Big Brother as a divine being. Koreans were likewise required to accept that with King Jong II. If not, they would have both been guilty of thoughtcrime and