
Similarities Between Arab Spring And Animal Farm

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Similarities Between Arab Spring And Animal Farm
All war is the same: A comparison between the Arab Spring and Animal Farm

Revolution is necessary to bring about change. When people have nothing to lose, they risk it all to rebel and free themselves from the shackles of oppression and authoritarianism. A prime example of a modern day revolution is the Arab Spring. Caused by the improper rule over nations in the Middle East by dictator like leaders, the Arab Spring was a violent revolution that brought about change that is still ongoing (The). George Orwell, in his novel, Animal Farm, also also talks about the revolution on Manor Farm. Animals frustrated by their incapable owner, Mr Jones, rebel and take control over the farm. The Arab Spring and the Revolution on Manor farm are extremely
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They are both caused by members of society rebelling against incapable leaders who are detrimental to the state. Mr Jones is a failure as a leader. He is incapable of managing a farm as he neglects and mistreats his animals. Mr Jones “[loses] money in a lawsuit and had taken to drinking… he [lounges] in the Windsor chair in the kitchen, reading the newspapers, drinking… His men [are] idle and dishonest, the fields [are] full of weeds… hedges [are] neglected and the animals [are] underfed” (Orwell 14). It is a leader’s duty to ensure the well being of his peers and his state. But Mr Jones, a clearly incapable leader, drags his farm to its knees. The farm is in an appalling state with the animals being neglected and underfed. He is clearly an incapable leader who should not have authority over a farm and its assets. Just like Manor Farm, Egypt also had a crooked, incapable leader. Former President Hosni Mubarak was sworn in in 1981 and was “reelected four times, serving as president for almost 30 years before stepping down in 2011”(CNN). President Mubarak was a power hungry leader who clung on to his powers as president for 30 years. He finally stepped down as president in 2011. In 2012, he was “found guilty of complicity in the deaths of protestors”(CNN). Mubarak was a heinous man who caused harm to his own people just to cling onto his powers in his 25+ years of being president. …show more content…
Thousands of people lost their lives and many more were injured. The Arab Spring was "catalyzed by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old street vendor protesting his treatment by local officials" (Editors). The Arab Spring is one of the most violent revolutions in modern history and caused huge amounts of collateral damage. Thousands were injured and thousands lost their lives. The revolution at Manor Farm is equally as violent. Mr Jones returns to his farm with vengeance. He wants control over his farm from the animals. But, the animals are ready. Ready for a battle till the end. The animals lose all sense of humanity and concern for human life when in battle with Mr Jones and his helpers. In the battle, “Snowball [flings] his fifteen stone against Jones's legs… the most terrifying spectacle of all [is] Boxer, rearing up on his hind legs and striking out with his great iron-shod hoofs like a stallion. His very first blow [takes] a stable-lad from Foxwood on the skull and [stretches] him lifeless in the mud… all the animals together were chasing [the men] round and round the yard. They were gored, kicked, bitten, trampled on. There was not an animal on the farm that did not take vengeance on them after his own fashion. Even the cat suddenly leapt off a roof onto a cowman's shoulders and sank her claws in his neck" (Orwell 30). The

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