
Similarities Between Atticus Finch And To Kill A Mockingbird

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Similarities Between Atticus Finch And To Kill A Mockingbird
Americans have various rights, that is, anything in accordance to what is acceptable, proper, or just. Everyone knows their right to bear arms, own property, or obtain a fair and speedy trial. These rights are often taken advantage of, as not all Americans have always shared these rights. Numerous brave, persistent, and determined men and women have fought for African Americans to live in equality. Two lawyers, despite the limited support from their community, fought to show how we must treat everyone with respect, no matter their race. Atticus Finch and Bobby DeLaughter knew that our society was not going to improve itself if no one was willing to take a step. Despite fifty-years between Atticus Finch’s case and Bobby DeLaughter's, racism was present in both communities, and threats still transpired. Both Atticus Finch and Bobby DeLaughter faced a community who seemed stuck; they were fixated on the idea that African Americans and whites were not, and could never be, equal. Parents openly talked about their disapproval towards …show more content…
Atticus’ children were attacked by Mr. Bob Ewell after Atticus had revealed his true self to the community. Although Atticus’ kids survived with little harm, this showed just how just how strong, and how far people would go to defend their opinions. In Bobby’s household, his children and wife were at risk after getting a phone call from Byron De La Beckwith. He explained to Bobby that he had gotten him something and to expect it to occur at 10 p.m. In fear of a bomb, Bobby rushed his family outside. Although there was no bomb, Bobby realized the risk he was taking with this case. Despite the verbal attacks and threats against these families, Atticus and Bobby stuck to the cases, not because it was their job, but because they wanted to change people's

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