For example, Holden lost his depression and self-conciousness from the help he received as no viable proof was given that stated otherwise. On the counterpoint, Will admired the psychologist because the psychologist had faith in who he was, or he simply didn't learn anything about who he is and what talents he possesses. Just the environment both authors gives me says that Holden still has a chance to change, while Will has an opportunity to change, but refuses to. The Catcher in the Rye and …show more content…
Holden and Will both were depressed about life and try to keep personal problems away from the people they love. They both would appreciate deep relationships between himself and a girl. Both try to give the impression to other characters that they are tough and can handle heavy loads of stress. They also live close or inside heavily populated towns loaded with people with bad attitudes (Boston and New York).
The list goes on and on as far as these misleading similarities go. The similarities are misleading because they can disguise the fact that their are differences. Some of the differences include age, time period, personalities (in general), everyday worries and stress sources, self confidence and even their approaches to