In To Kill a Mockingbird, some civil rights defenders were Rosa Park, Martin Luther King Jr., and a few presidents like John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson; blacks were also involved along with whites who supported them; those who fought with the blacks were known to be similar to Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird and were often discriminated even though they were white. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. were a few of many who fought for civil rights in this nation. Rosa Park is known for her bravery “after refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery city bus” (The Civil Rights Movement) and was arrested for refusing to give up the seat. “Following her arrest, the NAACP, local
In To Kill a Mockingbird, some civil rights defenders were Rosa Park, Martin Luther King Jr., and a few presidents like John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson; blacks were also involved along with whites who supported them; those who fought with the blacks were known to be similar to Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird and were often discriminated even though they were white. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. were a few of many who fought for civil rights in this nation. Rosa Park is known for her bravery “after refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery city bus” (The Civil Rights Movement) and was arrested for refusing to give up the seat. “Following her arrest, the NAACP, local