
Similarities Between Communism And Democracy

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Similarities Between Communism And Democracy
The argument of communism versus democracy has yet to end and with so many differences and few real similarities as the world turns and new leadership takes place the people are always at the helm of reform and reconstruction. As most incumbent leaders and rulers assure the people as they campaign. Democracy is a government by the people; especially: rule of the majority and a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections, whereas communism is a system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production, eliminating the right of private property.
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The idea that the people come first and the idea that people should rule the government and furthermore, that the government was for all the people and not just the people in power. Communists and democrats also agree that they were against complete and total government authority and tried to remove the power of authority and that They were in a society where everyone was treated alike. Not everyone in a democratic environment would agree that democracy is fairly ran this way because of the minority- majority rule of thought, however the basis for both structures was supposed to establish the power to the people. It is safe to say that another definite similarity is the fact that the people of each denomination still question the methods of the governmental controls and just how much power the people …show more content…
Two decisions with the same idea, but very different methods of execution. Most things are only different by verbiage and execution. Communism the rich people decide for everyone, the poor or non-working class has no say so in politics whereas in democracy even the poor can vote as an eligible citizen. Though democracy does practice some similarities, communism exercises the total rejection of free markets and have an extreme distrust of Capitalism in any form. Democracy gives the people validation and shows the power of the vote of a unified people, whereas communism shows its division by only letting the rich decide. Although the similarities are plausible the differences are so great that if it boiled down to choose and people were responsible for choosing what system to be born under, even without in-depth knowledge of the new face of communism most would choose democracy because of the negative stigma associated with the communist system. democracy has its dark side because the majority rules over the minority and we’re supposed to be all inclusive by verbiage, but even with that minor pitfall I would choose democracy for everyone everywhere and cast out

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