Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) is an antibacterial drug, also classified as a metabolism inhibitor. This drug interferes with bacterial reproduction by preventing the bacteria from producing folic acid. Specifically, this drug prevents a specific enzyme from converting substances into folic acid, which is needed by the bacteria to make DNA and reproduce. Therefore, the bacteria do not have enough folic acid to make DNA and grow further. Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole is considered bacteriostatic rather than bactericidal. Bacteriostatic antibiotics prevent bacteria from growing until the body’s own white blood cells (WBCs) and antibodies get rid of them, and bactericidal antibiotics kill the bacteria directly.…
Anthropology is the study of humanity, nature and society in all places and throughout time. When anthropologists study far off exotic cultures, different people may hold different attitudes. One may criticize on a backward culture, and others may judge on it fairly. Like the authors of “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema” and “Voodoo in Haiti”, they hold quite different attitudes and views to these exotic cultures.…
The use of illegal drugs in the twenty-first century is very common. Cannabis, also known as marijuana, and other well-known names, are among the most frequently used drugs today. Marijuana comes from cannabis sativa, which is a hemp plant. The plant contains a chemical which is known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Some people smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes or in pipes or water pipes while other mix marijuana in foods such as brownies, cookies, or candy, or brew it as a tea. There are a few benefits of using cannabis. It’s used as a medicinal drug and can minimize physical pain and alleviate psychological disorders, such as anxiety and depression. However, the use of cannabis…
R. Mechoulam et al. 2003. Cannabidiol: an overview of some pharmacological aspects. Neuroscience Letters 346: 61-64; J. McPartland and E. Russo. 2002. Cannabis and cannabis extracts: greater than the sum of their parts. Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics 1: 103-132; A. Zuardi and F Guimaraes. Cannabidiol as an anxiolytic and antipsychotic. In: M. Mathre (Ed): Cannabis in medical practice: a legal, historical and pharmacological overview of therapeutic use of marijuana. McFarland Press: 1997: 133-141.…
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana is a Schedule 1 substance, which means that it has no medicinal purpose and has a high risk for abuse. Although marijuana is not federally legalized or approved by the FDA, 20 states (including Hawaii and Washington D.C.) have already legalized medical marijuana, and two of those states (Colorado and Washington) have already legalized marijuana for adult recreational purposes. When marijuana is ingested or smoked, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) a chemical naturally found in marijuana, targets neural receptors in the brain giving users a “high.” Altered perceptions and mood, impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and disrupted learning and memory are some of the effects that marijuana users may feel. Long term effects of heavy marijuana use include: respiratory problems (daily cough and phlegm production, frequent acute chest illness, and increased risk of lung infections), increased heart rate by 10-100 percent, and mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts among adolescents, and personality disturbances, including a lack of motivation to engage in typically rewarding activities. Studies have also shown marijuana to be psychologically addictive.…
When it comes down to it, prescription painkillers and medical marijuana are a lot alike; they both are used to relieve pain in a patient who is suffering from chronic pain, the difference is just how effective each one is at relieving pain. When it comes to prescription painkillers they are made in labs, so you know exactly what you’re getting, how much of it you’re taking, and what exactly it does to you. You know that this one pill will do exactly what you want it to do and that is, relieve you from the pain you have for a certain amount of time. The only thing a prescribed painkiller doesn’t do is also help with the depression that usually…
In today’s health care many patients are using medical marijuana to help them with their illnesses especially if they are terminal. In the United States eight states have legalized medical marijuana and there is an estimate of about 35,000 patients using it for their medical conditions. Not all physicians approve prescribing cannabis to their patients because they believe that marijuana is not a…
One of the main societal issues revolved around medical marijuana is the effect it has on individuals emotionally. Using marijuana is like putting a wet blanket over human emotions, it separates a person’s conscious thoughts from their feelings, dissociating one’s thinking from the realistic world. This temporary sign effect can be quite dangerous to those unaware of their emotional makeup. For some the drug can relieve stress, relax the body and mask depression by providing feelings of euphoric happiness. While for others it can leave a feeling of anxiousness, fear and paranoia.…
Another contrast between cigarettes and cannabis, is that cannabis has medicinal properties. The most common use for marijuana in medicine is to diminish the effects of chemotherapy on cancer patients. The two most familiar components of marijuana to the medical industry is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and cannabidiol or CBD. Both THC and CBD are noted in the US Patent # 6630507 as having antioxidant properties and being useful in treatment of side effects “caused by oxidative stress” such as chemotherapy (Hampson). Chemotherapy is the method of treating cancer in which you kill or stunt the growth of cells, in order to eliminate the cancerous ones. The possible side effects include headaches, pain from nerve damage, nausea, and vomiting. THC…
“Marijuana is an addictive gateway drug” (Drug Policy Alliance Network, 2009). There is no good reason to use it, and it does nothing but ruin lives. These statements are frequently made by people who oppose the use of marijuana for medicinal reasons. Unfortunately, these statements are false. Medical breakthroughs would never be a reality if different risks were not taken. For example, long ago radiation was something that everyone was afraid of, but because a risk was taken, cancer patients now have hope of recovery. Someone somewhere believed that just maybe radiation would work, and it did. Marijuana deserves the same opportunity. Many studies have proven that marijuana does have significant medical benefits. There is no proof that marijuana is physically addictive, and furthermore, it is not physically possible to overdose from marijuana consumption (WAMM Organization, 2008). Despite these facts, over the years society has developed a very negative view of marijuana when in reality this drug has far more benefits than negative attributes.…
Medicinal Marijuana is a major asset to various individuals from high risk diseases to emotional stability. The use of marijuana is used widely within individuals that have the virus of HIV to the diseases of cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis (MS) along with a long list of other medical conditions. After decades of doing research scientists have found how marijuana contributes to various diseases; marijuana helps AIDS patients by reducing pain, muscle spasms, nausea, vomiting and stress. It also helps the patient with their appetites and their sleeping patterns. The benefits of marijuana among cancer patients are that the drug prevents the spread of breast cancer; the drug reduces tumors along with the killing of cancer cells that are related to brain cancer. In a Multiply Sclerosis patient marijuana aids the consumer by limiting pain and spasticity; it also temporary relieves unsteadiness in the patient, (Fradella, 2011).…
hearings; that it was to protect the citizens from were determined to be a dangerous drug.…
First of all, to talk about a problem we have to know about it. According to the Medicine Net marijuana is “A common street and recreational drug that comes from the marijuana plant: the hemp plant cannabis sativa […] is used to heighten perception, affect mood, and relax. […] Signs of marijuana use include red eyes, lethargy, and uncoordinated body movements. The long-term effects may include…
Cannabis is the main ingredient in marijuana. The National institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported that its effect on the body is just like any other natural made chemical in the body. The benefits range from treating simple headache to slowing down cancer cells. Drugs sold over the counter are more dangerous than marijuana yet those drugs are approved and are sold. Donald Abrams, chief of hematology-oncology at San Francisco general hospital, has done more research on marijuana than anyone in the United States (Weil, 127). He concluded in his research that inhaling cannabis can help reduce pain associated with nerve damage and can also increase effect of opiate pain relievers as well help patients sleep. This is greatly important because of how tough nerve damage can be on a person. They are usually recommended to use over the counter pain relief pills but if marijuana is stronger in relieving pain as well as helping them sleep more calmly why would anyone decline. Another usage for marijuana is that the cannabinoids have an ability to relieve chronic pain which included nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy (Park). Cancer is something that troubles every human because currently the current treatments to battle it are very costly on the human body physically and mentally. Chemotherapy is so frightening that some people are even tempted not to try to that method. If they were told about marijuana,…
classify marijuana as an illegal drug and will arrest any person in possession of it.…