Both have sophisticated language Jekyll and Hyde Is a novella while Medea is a play
Both use many language techniques Jekyll and Hyde is horror while Medea is fantasy
Both are engaging Jekyll and Hyde is very mysterious and very suspenseful while Medea is very planned out.
Both written long ago Jekyll and Mr Hyde ended with the bad guy dying while Medea finishes with the bad person walking away alive.
Both contain moral messages Medea has unhappy ending while Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde has happy ending.
Both have books have deaths and drama Both have a protagonist and antagonist
Both books are a tragedy Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde the perspective is that of Mr Utterson while Medea has a different perspective.
Both books …show more content…
Medea is dialogue driven, Jekyll and Hyde has dialogue and description.
Both have supernatural themes (Medea is daughter of a God and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde the potion.) Ancient Greece VS 19th Century.
Both have theme of power Jekyll’s sins lead to a forfeit of his life, Medea’s does not
Both have theme of revenge Medea
Both tell us about human nature. Jekyll and Hyde is written by a newspaper
Medea is a part of mythology
Good VS Evil, internal good and evil (everyone has weaknesses; Medea has jealousy weakness.) Women have more power in Medea than Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
Both have murders, violence and suspense. In Medea the protagonist is the perpetrator of bad deeds while in Hyde the preventer.
Both have magical potions.
Theme of “savage” among society …show more content…
• Forgive is a critical virtue (Medea)
• Act with consideration for others, not only yourself (Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Medea)
• We should ask for/ seek/ accept help before taking drastic actions (both)
“Both Euripides Medea and Stevenson’s The strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are important texts because of the moral messages which they convey”.
Discuss and compare how moral messages have been conveyed in the two texts you have studied this semester.
You will be assessed on how well you:
• Respond to the question, examining how moral messages are examined in the two texts
• Analyse the way that narrative or dramatic conventions and language techniques are used to shape meaning in the texts
• Draw comparisons between the two texts studied
• Organise, develop and sustain your ideas using language appropriate to audience and purpose of an essay.
• Answer the question
• Introduce the moral messages that you will be discussing
• Introduce our