From ancient times European and Chinese, marriage has been regulated by law and tradition with families ranging from very wealthy to very poor. While there are some similarities, there are more differences in these laws and traditions that exist between these two cultures.
While China has laws that regulate certain aspects of people’s marriage, marriage laws like this in Europe do not exist. Europe is a more free going country in terms of being married with a significant other that someone would spend most of their life with. People in Europe would spend a lot of time with the person that ultimately decide to marry. The people in Europe did not get married too young. “In much of Europe, in contrast, men did not typically marry until …show more content…
Marriage did not occur in Europe until both of the parties knew that is what they wanted when they became financially stable, and that is why they waited until they were older. Europeans usually started having kids two years after marriage. These people are being very practical with their lives because they weren’t forced to do anything against their will, so they took their time figuring out if they wanted to have kids or not. The people in Europe knew exactly who they were going to marry while engaging themselves in such a life altering process. “In the Western European neolocal pattern, norms and practices in many regions resulted in a pattern whereby newly married couples moved into a separate household at marriage; but concomitant with this was their delaying marriage until they could afford a new household” (Reilly 672). In