
Similarities Between Fahrenheit 451 And The Great Gatsby

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Similarities Between Fahrenheit 451 And The Great Gatsby
“The ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved”, this is the American Dream. The American Dream is the cornerstone of our nation, symbolizing how every dream is within reach. Displayed in novels like The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the American Dream is reached by many, and a similar conclusion is shared: the American Dream is achievable, but expectations are higher than reality, and the ideal end is often ruined or lost. While it is debatable if the American Dream is achievable or not, through a few novels, we glean the “rags to riches” story, which helps to develop an overarching sense of incontentment shown by characters …show more content…
It isn't a painless journey. Regardless, it is still achievable. Many individuals have accomplished it through persistence, which is clear amidst the “rags to riches” stories. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is a self-made man, a character whose story revolves around going from poverty to wealth. “His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people” (Fitzgerald, 76). Gatsby’s background is clear: he was poor and had to start from the ground up. Once the present Gatsby becomes known he is seen hosting extravagant parties at a luxurious mansion, with magnificent commodities and out-of-the-ordinary entertainment. It is clear that Gatsby has reached his dream and risen from being a poor farmer. While the American Dream is attainable, it frequently fails to meet the expectations of those who chase it. Gatsby was ultimately dissatisfied by the wealth and fame and even his end goal of winning over Daisy did not fulfill his desires. “He must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream” (Fitzgerald 124). Nick assesses Gatsby's struggle for an ideal life, and how Gatsby's journey was an overexcitement that blew out the reward for achieving his …show more content…
In Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie's dream is ruined by one tragic act. Lennie unintentionally kills Curley's wife, and George realizes their dream is over. “-I think I knew from the very first. I think I know we’ll never do her” (Steinbeck 45). This moment shows how quickly a dream can be dashed, emphasizing the fragility of the American Dream and just how possible it is to waste it. The Bible also speaks on the delicateness of human plans, putting the spotlight on why the American Dream is so easy to lose. Proverbs 16:9 says: “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps”. This verse explains the significance of a God behind our backs and additionally, how impractical it is to rely on our own plans. God's vision for us almost certainly isn't wealth and great fame, exemplifying that since he isn't directing us towards the American Dream, it won't be

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