especially when circumstances are challenging. This war’s connection to the conflict between good and evil contains a great parallel to The Road. The Road shows a concise battle between the illusion of good and evil. While the entire world falls apart and loses the morals that society engrained into their minds, there was still a light in the darkness of this post-apocalyptic war. The idea that the smallest of us can hold the greatest faith in humanity is inspiring. When the world around us starts to fall apart, the first thing that usually goes with it is the morals and beliefs that we hold. This novel shows that we should remain true to ourselves because you never know what is around the bend in the road whether it be good or bad. The Korean War is a real-world example of the applications of the morals presented within The Road.
The protagonist is South Korea while the antagonist is North Korea. South Korea like the man and his son believed themselves to be the good guys. They were the ones with the morals. North Korea can be compared to the cannibals. They threw out the conventional rules and laws. North Korea’s actions caused the downfall of a nation. This can be compared to the actions of the cannibals. Their choice to eat other humans led to the death of every value and moral held true by society. South Korea’s resistance to the downfall of their society led to more conflict, but in the end, they were able to hold onto what they believed to be true. This relates to the boy. He spent the entirety of the novel holding true to his beliefs which eventually proved those beliefs to be
true. The Korean War is a real-world example of the applications of the morals presented within The Road. The battle between good and evil in these two situations are very similar. The values and beliefs that are learned throughout The Road are admirable. These lessons teach how rare it is to do the right thing in a bad situation. While neither side was truly right in the Korean War, South Korea’s action to try and preserve who they are is also admirable. These two examples show how the ideas of good and evil can be misrepresented based upon viewpoint. South Koreas comparison to the man and his son shows that sometimes you have to do bad things to keep on doing good.