College you have to pay to attend to college, and that can be a handful for many people that can’t afford it or don’t qualify for financial aid. However, attending a public high school you don’t pay to attend to a class its one hundred percent free. In college you have to pay for textbooks that cost a fortune for each class you have because 99% of the time each class you have in college they require textbooks that you have to buy on your own but the good thing is that it’s yours you can write on them and do what you want with them. On the other hand in high school you don’t need to purchase any textbooks the teachers provide you with textbooks for their class but you have to return them at the end of the year, you cannot write on them or damage the text book or lose them because if you do they charge you the book as if it was …show more content…
In college you decide your own schedule for example if you’re not a morning person you would get night classes and if you’re a morning person you will choose to get classes in the morning. In college you also manage your day, you chose how many classes you want per day and what time works with your schedule. On the contrary, high school you don’t get to choose how many classes you want to have per day or the times you prefer, in high school there is a schedule and you have to follow that precise schedule you don’t have any choice. In high school you have six classes each day and have to be in school from 8:00 to 3:00. In college you’re considered an adult and no one forces you to be in school in other words only you care about your attendance so if you decided to not attend school the professor won’t call your home and tell you what you’re missing. However in high school you’re treated as a kid still and not as an adult so you have to attend school every day its mandatory but if you’re absent one day or two some teachers will email you or call you to see why you haven’t been attending school and will update you with what you have missed and when you can turn it