Albert Speer served the Nazi Regime from 1931-1945. It is within this 14 year period Speer’s significance from the war effort can be recognized as one of the most crucial and predominant roles within the Nazi leadership. As Hitler’s chief architect Albert created numerous designs and constructions used for Nazi propaganda as well as the Dora concentration camp. Using his power and influence within the German Nazi movement, Speer exploited the use of slave labor, as well as aided astronomically to the output of ammunitions and other vast weaponry, further prolonging world war two.…
Many historians such as Alan Bullock praise Speer's performance at the Nuremburg Trials and were convinced that Speer had told the truth. They label Speer an 'apolitical technocrat', 'more concerned with the job he had to do than the power it brought him.'(1) American journalist William Shirer reported on his trial at Nuremburg and came to view him favourably (2), whilst British academic Hugh Trevor-Roper interviewed Speer, and in his book The Last Days of Hitler, describes Speer as the 'penitent Nazi'.(3)…
In my essay I will assess how significant Albert Speer was to the running of the Nazi war machine and the Nazi regime. I will look at how such an intelligent, well-intentioned, principled person like Speer could become such an integral part in the Nazi party, so captivated by Hitler’s charisma and influence that he could ignore all the atrocities, the concentration camps, the slaughter of the fuehrer’s wars and devote all the country’s resources to keeping the regime in power. Albert Speer was appointed as minister for Armaments and munitions in February 1942. Speer played an invaluable role in the Nazi War Machine during the next three years of the Second World War. His effectiveness as minister for armaments and munitions led to phenomenal increases in the production of armaments, and ultimately prolonging the war for another one to two years which greatly impacted on the functioning of the War Machine. Speer’s major accomplishments as minister for armaments and munitions were the standardization of weapons and specialization of factories. Implementing a Total War policy in Germany. The mobilization of the workforce in relation to the armament production.…
In the movies “Swing Kids” and “The Wave” both portray the actions and ways of Hitler…
He died 19 April 1993 at the age of 33 under the name of David Koresh in Mount Carmel Center, McClennan County, TX Howell began his leadership role early in life. He endured loneliness, abuse, and ridicule during his transformative years. He suffered the emotional trauma of being shuffled back and forth between his teenaged mother, with her successive abusive marital partners, and his grandparents. All the while, he suffered from dyslexia and struggled in school.…
In conclusion, it is because of Albert Speer and his actions through his time in the Nazi Party, that significantly contributed to his period of national and international history. Through his Minister of Armaments role, the Germania project and, his well-known architectural skills, was he able to influence thousands of people either to follow the Nazi Rallies, or to be under his control within the workforce. It is also because of Albert Spear, Germany was able to continue fighting in the war for the length of time that occurred, however, he was also one of the main reasons for the holocaust and concentration camps. While historians praise Speer for his skills in architecture, there is a lot of evidence to prove that Speer was a sinister whom…
Albert Speer’s Role in the Nazi Regime primarily was centred on a couple of areas, his work as the General Building Inspector (GBI), the chief architect of the Reich and his role as Armaments Minister. Speer’s ascendancy within the Nazi hierarchy has been described by Henry King as ‘vertical and ladder like, Speer was an intelligent, affluent and well educated man and there is no doubt that he made a remarkable progression through the ranks of the Nazi Party. In less than ten years Albert Speer no longer was the humble architect but became the master of the German economy and production in Germany.…
The racist and fascist foundation of Nazism has often been attributed to the writings of Nietzsche. In actuality, however, not only did Nietzsche not espouse such ideas, but also he also expressly opposed them. The blatant racism, oppression, and mass mentality of the Nazi regime are incompatible with Nietzsche's writings. Conceptually, it is difficult to fathom how Hitler managed to warp Nietzsche's ideas and writings to fuel his own totalitarian Nazi agenda. Although Nietzsche's writings did influence Hitler, it was only through misinterpretation and manipulation that Hitler came to believe that Nietzsche held pro-Nazi beliefs and promoted his works as the philosophical underpinning of the Third Reich.…
In the second lecture of the Harry Vaughan Smith Lectures, Dr. Marsh followed the life of a German pastor named Dietrich Bonhoeffer during Nazi Germany. Bonhoeffer was an anti-Nazi dissident who protested against Nazi Germany and was later executed for being associated with the plot to kill Hitler. In the hopes of understanding how religion can go wrong, Dr. Marsh set out to answer the question of how can the Christian faith, one that is loving and reconciling, be used to fuel hatred. After World War I, the German Christians began looking at Christianity from a different perspective.…
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were two of the most evil men in history, responsible for countless atrocities. They had many similarities as well. Both men committed genocide to further their political agenda, massively improved the militaries of their respective countries, had their own different groups of secret police and spies, and finally they were both tyrannical totalitarian dictators. Despite sharing many similarities, their government structure and political philosophies were very different. Adolf Hitler was a Fascist who believed in a highly centralized government with himself at the top of the pyramid. Joseph Stalin was a communist who believed in collectivism and instilling fear into his political opposition. Although there are…
Although Hitler and Stalin both employed a special police force to help control the country under their totalitarian rule, Hitler’s force relied on having secret police everywhere while Stalin relied on having individuals report their friends and coworkers. To control citizens by spying on them and imprisoning them, Hitler employed the use of the Himmler’s SS and the Gestapo political police. The SS initially started off as Hitler’s personal bodyguards, but under Himmler’s command, they evolved into a more powerful force, who were eventually responsible for the Final Solution. The Gestapo, while somewhat similar to the SS, were Hitler’s secret police, who focused on taking down any opposing political opponents, primarily those who went underground after the creation of the one party system in Germany. The Gestapo were responsible for the capture and imprisonment of most opposing political leaders in Nazi Germany. According to the book on Germany, “Denouncers and…
The Sunflower, by Simon Wiesenthal, was an intriguing and thought –provoking novel that raised many questions on the theological and moral concept of forgiveness. Furthermore, it delved into the matter of whether an individual has the right to forgive in the name of others, or whether forgiveness of the perpetrator was even deserved in the first place. The narrative is told from the first person point of view of Simon Wiesenthal, a young man in his 30s, imprisoned in a work camp. He tells his story of a dying Nazi’s plea for forgiveness and his own subsequent actions. After we hear his story, we can read the opinions of many individuals that tell what they would have done in Simon’s place, and add their own insights into the discussion. Before we delve into the specifics of what I would have done in Simon’s place, and which contributor I can relate to most, I would like to discuss the concept of forgiveness, and what it means to me.…
An influential person is someone who changes society, for better or for worse. Adolf Hitler changed world history for the worst and caused many, devastating tragedies, such as World War II and the Holocaust. The world was extremely affected by Hitler due to his powerful, brainwashing speeches; his persuasive book, Mein Kampf; and his ability to intimidate people.…
Throughout the 20th century there were events which involved racial acts toward a certain race. The Nazis were a group run by Hitler in the 1930s and 1940s and were anti-Semitic or in other words, racist against Jews. Another group during this time was a group called the Ku Klux Klan, which is a white supremacist committee. Despite the fact that these two groups were different in some ways, they were also the same in others, because they both have a purpose for their group, both had a leader which influenced many others, and lastly, both have had acts of violence and murder towards the race they hate.…
when he says “ Indifference, then, is not only a sin, it is a punishment. And this is one of the most important lessons of this outgoing century's wide-ranging experiments in good and evil.” he is saying that when people were ignoring the fact that Jews were being killed they were committing a sin.…