The United States government is based on a checks and balances type system. The three main parts of this system are the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. This judicial system’s job is to uphold the law of the land. Law can be defined as a set of rules or norms of conduct which mandate, proscribe or permit specified relationships among people and organizations, provide methods for ensuring the impartial treatment of such people, and provide punishments for those who do not follow the established rules of conduct (, 2005). This is a very wide and all encompassing definition of the law and the governing judicial system. Just like the United States government the judicial system is broken up into different checks, balances, and systems. Two of these main systems are the juvenile justices system and the adult justice system. The obvious difference between these two courts is that the juvenile system is designed to handle youth offenders and the adult system is designed to handle adult offenders. Both of these two systems despite their difference have the same end goal; to administer justice. In the pages to follow we will discuss the big picture of the juvenile justice system, go over a point by point comparison between the juvenile system and the adult system, touch on both the benefits and disadvantages to being tried as a minor in the juvenile court from the perspective of a minor, and review the societal implication of abolishing the juvenile court system.…
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report evaluated a study of outcomes for juveniles prosecuted in adult court rather than in juvenile court and found that there were counter-deterrent effects of transfer laws. Trying Juveniles as Adults, supra . A summary of six studies found that there was greater overall recidivism for juveniles prosecuted in adult court than juveniles whose crimes “matched” in juvenile court. Id. Juveniles in adult court also recidivated sooner and more frequently. Id. These higher rates of recidivism can be attributed to a variety of reasons, including lack of access to rehabilitative resources in the adult corrections system, problems when housed with adult criminals, and direct and indirect effects…
The United States Court system is much the same for Juvenile Court, as it is for Adult Court. The main differences are that Adult court adjudicates offenders over the age of 18. Juvenile court adjudicates minors, or persons under the age of 18. However, certain circumstances like the severity of crime, and age of individual, and number of occurrences can present a case, which a minor is tried as an adult and sent to adult court.…
Many in the criminal justice field view deterrence at the juvenile level, from future criminal ideations, as the answer to much of the crime problem. If this tenet is followed then it makes sense to try to deter the unlawful behavior in juveniles before they turn into the next population of adult convicts. Many say that the answer is to give juvenile offenders harsher penalties including the use of adult sanctioning and more punitive practices. Others advocate for treatment and protection from the adversarial nature of the adult system in the spirit of the, not so long ago history of our juvenile…
Some similarities are that both courts issues sanctions, courts plea bargaining is often an option, the defendant has a due process rights in addition to unreasonable searches and seizures rights. Juvenile and adult offender receive Miranda rights at time of arrest.(Bartollas, Miller. 2008). Both courts use proof beyond a reasonable doubt as a standard for guilt or innocence. Boot camps is an option for both juveniles and adult offenders. Juvenile and adult courts have their crimes classified as either misdemeanors, felonies or infractions. Some of the differences between the juvenile and adult court system is that at the juvenile level parents have a very active role. The juvenile system refers to juvenile as delinquents, truants, orphans,…
The juvenile court system today resembles the adult court system in many ways. Although they have their similarities the fundamental foundations of each system clearly display two different outcomes. While the adult court looks to punish criminals, the juvenile court system looks to rehabilitate the individual.…
The juvenile justice sector applies to individual under the age of 18 that are unable to be tried in the adult court system. Juvenile accused of committing crimes could face a transfer to the adult court system in conformance with some state laws and the specific crime that was committed. Juveniles later found guilty are not convicted of committing crimes, but rather delinquencies. Enforced by the state, in most cases, juvenile justice focuses on lower the recidivism rate by rehabilitating offenders. Rehabilitation, rather than imposing punishment on juveniles eliminates the hardening of the juveniles. Confined juveniles often learn the ways of more violent juveniles that they would not learn if they were sentenced to rehabilitation instead. With newly acquired skills from other jailhouse inmates, juveniles are more likely to go on to commit more serious crimes. As for adults, the technique is often punishment and then rehabilitation due to the fact that society views children as more likely to change rather than adult…
This course is a general orientation to the field of juvenile justice, including causation theories and the development of system responses to delinquent behavior. The problems facing juveniles today are addressed, and adult and juvenile justice systems are compared, including initial apprehension, referral, and preventive techniques. Specific issues examined include chemical dependency, mental illness, and compulsive and habitual offenders. Special attention is given to the problems inherent in the police handling of juveniles and the function of juvenile courts.…
Juveniles have been incarcerated in secure facilities since 1974. Juveniles are committing more heinous crimes and citizens have advocated for tougher penalties on crime. They want justice for the violence perpetrated on their families, businesses and communities. The Juvenile Justice system is charged with simultaneously protecting the public as well as reforming those juveniles who are convicted and sentenced to secure facilities. Barry C. Feld (1995) believes that there is a “desire to "get tough," fueled in part by frustration with the intractability of crime, that provides political impetus to transfer some young offenders to criminal courts for prosecution as adults and to strengthen the sanctioning powers of juvenile courts”(p.966).…
After graduation of the program the citizens can become functioning members of the society. How can this be done effectively for juveniles? The first drug courts were created for adults in 1989 and the procedures used within the adult drug court system were used to create the juvenile drug court system (Franco, 4). However through research and time the juvenile drug court system has made substantial changes to benefit the juvenile. For example “the psychological attributes and developmental needs of adolescent offenders who enter the drug court system are substantially different from adult offenders and must be taken into account when planning any behavior change intervention” (Stein, 2).…
The juvenile justice system plays a vital role in the outcome of juvenile delinquents lives. If juvenile courts are abolished, juvenile offenders will be forced into adult prisons and harsher sentences may be given to young juveniles. The treatment and therapy needed for these young offenders may not be met in adult courts because of the back already in adult courts the rehabilitation process may suffer for juvenile offenders. Society collectively bears responsibility to provide for the welfare of its children, and does so by supporting families, communities, schools, and social institutions that nurture all young people-not by cynically incarcerating its most disadvantaged children "for their own good" (Feld, 1997). Societal implications can include: rise in crime by juvenile offenders, higher dropout rate in teens, rise in arrests of juvenile offenders, and rise in cost estimates for housing and court proceedings for juvenile offenders.…
The juvenile justice system and the adult justice system share their commonalities and differences. For example, the juvenile justice system makes it the point to rehabilitate instead of punishing juvenile delinquents. However, one must take into consideration that punishment is still a feasible concept within the juvenile system, but it is used prudently as a “last resort.” In instances of punishment for a teenager who is accused of an atrocious crime, he or she may be tried as an adult (Goldstein, 2007). According to Dr. Goldstein (2007) there are some similarities between the two justice systems as he states that “the police, judiciary, and corrections have discretion relative to decision making in both systems.”…
Trying juveniles has been a topic to the public we hear about in the judustrial system. It contains a lot of arguments which has its pros and cons. Considering being a juvenile delinquent you must commit a crime that is under the age of 18. Prosecutors can charge juveniles as adults when they are suspected of violent offenses or crime. Back in time when this happened, this treatment involved the death penalty. As of today it involves being prosecuted through adult courts and incarcerated in the adult jails and prisons. Addressing this topic is important because society is not aware what happened or what is happening to juveniles being tried as adults. After reading this paper, you will learn different offenses juveniles commit and why it leads to being tried as adults. You will know how the death penalty came in effect, ended, and the different cases that happened between times. I will talk about juveniles being prosecuted through adult courts and the benefit of it. Also juveniles being incarcerated with adults and the risks they face. My intention of writing this paper is to get you to know the research I gained from it, and hoping it interest you to do more research on it too. Do convicting a juvenile as adults helps stop crime.…
Should juveniles who commit adult offence like murder, rape and armed robbery etc. be charged or dealt with as an adult? The primary difference in dealing with a juvenile meaning a person that is 18 years or younger the goal is not to punish the juvenile, but rather rehabilitate, is that fair? Or is society as a whole are guilty and to blame for forsaking the future generation? The juvenile offences are skyrocketing at an alarming rate that it is hard to view the graphic and horrific crimes of the juvenile as being anything but civil or delinquent, especially when the juvenile is committing bloody murder.…
I believe there are differences between the adult justice system and the juvenile justice system because of the differences in age, experiences, knowledge, and maturity. The juvenile justice system focuses on the rehabilitation of the juvenile, whereas the adult justice system’s goal is to punish and obtain retribution for the crime(s) committed. Juvenile offenders are given sentences that seek to rehabilitate rather than punish. Some of the treatment options offered could include counseling and placement in juvenile institutions that were also created to help restore them. Adult offenders are given harsh sentences. The sentences given can include a…