A great amount of women have strived for their rights to be set equal to men. Such an example would be Lucy Stone. She had been an organizer and propagandist …show more content…
She states “Because we are all human, we therefore have rights. And because we have rights, governments are bound to protect them.”(Remarks 1). Clinton sees the simplicity of human rights, which is what more people should do. In most cases people have overthought the entire situation and have determined opinions solely on complicated facts. If you think of humanity at broad view, we are human and we have two genders that are just as equal as the other. Neither one is better than the other because in the end it technically doesn't matter since all that counts is individual happiness and living to the fullest. It’s difficult for women to do that in the past when they’re pressured to please society and nothing less. Clinton wants to contribute to her country and unless her goals for the United States is considered wrong or not good enough to someone then there shouldn’t be such a fuss about a woman president. Clinton had expressed in Beijing, 1995 that “human rights are women's rights, and women’s rights are human rights.”(Remarks 2). That statement tells her side of the debate as she mentions the equality between women and human rights. She claims to be grateful that she’s had the opportunity to work with President Obama within his cabinet to discuss difficult situations. She has also been the wife of a former president, Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton however has a great amount of