in the play it states, “I’ll give thee a wind” (1.3.11). This connects to the Odyssey because Aeolus, the ruler of winds, gave Odysseus a bag of wind to aid him in his travel back home. This bag of wind can have to effects on Odysseus and his crew. The bag can either guide them back home or result in case us. Nevertheless, the men, excluding Odysseus, opened up the bag unknowing of the consequences and ultimately delayed them from getting home. In Macbeth, the witches are known to cast spells and control the wind, yet it is sill unknown what they will do with this power.
in the play it states, “I’ll give thee a wind” (1.3.11). This connects to the Odyssey because Aeolus, the ruler of winds, gave Odysseus a bag of wind to aid him in his travel back home. This bag of wind can have to effects on Odysseus and his crew. The bag can either guide them back home or result in case us. Nevertheless, the men, excluding Odysseus, opened up the bag unknowing of the consequences and ultimately delayed them from getting home. In Macbeth, the witches are known to cast spells and control the wind, yet it is sill unknown what they will do with this power.