
Similarities Between Napoleon And Stalin

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Similarities Between Napoleon And Stalin
Napoleon and Stalin both rise their power amongst their people, simply by using the devious propaganda (squealer) to manipulate the less intelligent public, and strategically utilize the secret police (the dogs) to create a sense of terror amongst their people or the animals. Napoleon intentionally uses squealer to make the animals believe that Snowball is “nothing more than a criminal,” in which he is not. As a result of this misleading comment, the animals are left with no other choice, but to know Snowball as their enemy, and once Snowball: who is most certainly Napoleon`s competition in the leadership role, is removed from the picture, all the power is in Napoleon`s hands. To further that point, Napoleon also increases his reputation and popularity amongst the animals by creating a false personality through the lies of …show more content…
“You have heard then comrades… that we pigs now sleep in the beds of the farm house? And why not? You did not suppose… that there was ever a rule against beds... the rule was against sheets.” Similarly, Stalin uses the propaganda to take control over the Russian society. Equally important, Napoleon also uses the dogs for domination amongst the animals. By having the dogs surround him at all times, Napoleon is able to use the anxiety and distress the dogs bring towards the animals to take control, as “they (the animals) had come to a time where no-one dared to speak his mind, when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing their shocking crimes.” From this, it is obvious that the animals fear the dogs, and due to this, no-one will dare question Napoleon’s actions or disobey his commands. Likewise, Stalin also used the secret police to take control over his

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