They are; tradition, honour, discipline, and excellence. The academy believes that these four pillars are the best way to lead a good life as well as properly teach. Tradition express the will and want to do things the way they have almost always been done. This provides the academy with a sense of security and well founded inclination. Yet, we know now that these traditional methods are not the most effective methods of teaching and that if anything they only begin to harm the student. Honour goes hand in hand with the pillar of tradition in a way as Welton Academy, and especially Dean Nolan expects their students to reach these traditional values. When Todd Anderson stands up and salutes Mr. Keating with an “Oh Captain- My Captain” he demonstrates an extreme amount of courage, unfortunately, this action will probably end in the eventual expulsion of the
They are; tradition, honour, discipline, and excellence. The academy believes that these four pillars are the best way to lead a good life as well as properly teach. Tradition express the will and want to do things the way they have almost always been done. This provides the academy with a sense of security and well founded inclination. Yet, we know now that these traditional methods are not the most effective methods of teaching and that if anything they only begin to harm the student. Honour goes hand in hand with the pillar of tradition in a way as Welton Academy, and especially Dean Nolan expects their students to reach these traditional values. When Todd Anderson stands up and salutes Mr. Keating with an “Oh Captain- My Captain” he demonstrates an extreme amount of courage, unfortunately, this action will probably end in the eventual expulsion of the