Dr. Hrubry
Ant 100
6 November 2014 Rainforest vs. Artic
Many cultures around the world have similarities and differences. One must research cultures from multiple areas of the world to fully understand this. For instance, the Mbuti people of the rainforest and the artic Intuit people may be more alike or different than one would think. From religion, to hunting, and gathering resources to labor, the two cultures I have researched have many similarities and differences. Firstly, I well discuss the Mbuti people and some of their cultural traits and survival techniques. Then I will discuss the Inuit people and there culture. The Mbuti are nomadic people who live in the Ituri Forest of northeast Zaire. While their traditional way of life is often described as centering on hunting and gathering of wild food resources, the Mbuti rely largely on part of their subsistence of cultivated foods acquired, and then trading from village-living horticulturalists. Most of the foods are acquired by Mbuti women, whom in return provide forest products for the …show more content…
According to Alison Saywer, a professor at Uconn, “The Mbuti view their forest as a sacred, peaceful place to live—they constantly refer to it with not only reverence but adoration. They sing songs to it, in appreciation for the care and goodness they feel they get from it. If something goes wrong in their camp at night, such as an invasion of army ants, the problem is that the forest is sleeping, so they sing to awaken it” (Sayers, Collin. "People of the World: The Mbuti of Zaire." The Mbuti of Zaire. 4 May 2002. Web.). This shows how much the land means to these people. They have lived there for as long as history has recorded it and they do not feel the need for anything else. There is really no competition for land, and there have been few to none change in the customary exchange relationships between the Efe and their neighbors, the