Carthage's form of government was Plutocracy, the word derived from the Greek word ploutos, which means rich (Loon, n.d). Carthage governed by exceedingly rich and powerful men, particularly owners of major business enterprises such as giant shipping lines, mines and other major industries in Carthage (Mackay,1999). These group of rich men have a great control over the city of Carthage and its surrounding towns as well as its colonies from afar. These wealthy rulers were responsible why Carthage gained its …show more content…
Rome rule its people in a very organize and civil manner, which draws loyalty among its citizens. Rome has an effective and distinct way in managing people, particularly to the inhabitants of their newly acquired lands and territories. One of the best example was the Latins in Latium, whose devotion and loyalty were exceedingly commendable, especially during the Second Punic War, where they fought valiantly--along with the Romans --against the forces of Hannibal. On other hand, Carthage "great advantage" was they have a "permanent able leader," that command its military forces. Unlike Rome, the order of its military resides in the hands of its civil magistrates, who were constantly replaced