
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
I n t h e p l a y R o m e o a n d J u l i e t b y W i l l i a m S h a k e s p e a r e , e a c h c h a r a c t e r i s d i v e r s e i n t h e i r understanding of love. The perplexities of love can be baffling and overwhelming to those exposed for the very first time. Love can be a frightening thing, but it can also be the best thing t h a t h a s e v e r h a p p e n e d t o s o m e o n e . I n R o m e o a n d J u l i e t , t h e c h a r a c t e r s f a c e f o r b i d d e n l o v e a n d difficult obstacles to be together. Romeo is a montague and Juliet is a capulet. The two families are sworn enemies. The family rivalry leads to Friar Laurence making a plan so that Juliet can run away and be with Romeo. In the end, tragedy strikes due to rash decisions …show more content…
She is at the age where she is in between adulthood and adolescence. When Juliet’s mother mentions Paris she gets fascinated with the idea of getting married. Juliet mentions to her mother that she will try and love him. Her saying that is an immature notion of love. She did try and love Paris ,but she did truly love Romeo. He killed her cousin and she stayed with him. Juliet states,” I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear it shall be Romeo­ whom you know I hate rather than Paris”(3.5.121­123). She is saying that when she is ready to get married she will be marrying the person she loves. She takes the risks of actually dying just to be with Romeo. She says,” Shall I not, then, be stifled in a vault, To whose foul mouth no healthsome air breathes in and there die strangled ere my Romeo comes? (4.3.33­35). Juliet was questioning whether or not she should drink the potion. She was having anxiety about drinking it but eventually she overcame all of her negative thoughts and did it so she could be with Romeo. Juliet chooses him over her family. Although, she may be only 13 she does love Romeo in a way she could never love Paris. Ultimately, the love Juliet feels for Romeo is true

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