
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
The era of Queen Elizabeth I (1553- 1603) is referred to by many historians as The Golden Age. During her time as queen of England she was able to improve the economy by increasing the size of the middle class; she mandated laws that required churches to care for orphans the elderly and the sick to keep them off of the streets; schools were established, and it became a normal thing for noble children and boys from middle class families to receive an education (Benson). Over a fifth of the population was literate by the time she died in 1603. What makes her accomplishments even more astounding is the fact that she was a woman leading a society that was generally governed by patriarchs. During the 16th and 17th century women were considered …show more content…
Closer inspection of Juliet’s relationship with her father Lord Capulet in Act 3 reflects patriarchal governing of Elizabethan households and how it affected young woman. The family unit during the 16th and 17th century was very similar to a typical family of modern society: a father, mother and children (Benson). It was common for parents to have many children due to the high child mortality rates during these earlier centuries. Everyone in the family had a role; the father’s being the head of the household. Religious and societal standards required children to “honor thy father and mother”. More over fathers were obeyed because their wives and children were considered their property. This patriarchal belief gave fathers the authority to objectify and give their daughters away as brides to husbands who could bring better financial and social power to the family. An example of this concept comes out of Act 3 when Lord Capulet offers his daughter as a wife for Paris. Capulet insists, “I think she will be ruled in all respects by me. Nay, more, I doubt it not,” he believes there is no doubt Juliet will obey him and marry Paris later that week (3.4.13). Following up on his offer, in Act 3, Scene 5 Capulet informs Juliet about the proposal whereby Juliet refuses. This refusal to obey her father’s wish is a betrayal to …show more content…
One of his last plays, The Tempest, takes place on a magical island and features a strong relationship between father and daughter, a power structure that resembles a system of patriarchy. Marilyn Williamson writes in her book, The Patriarchy of Shakespeare’s Comedies, about The Tempest and its use of the romance drama and pastoral themes to “mythologize patriarchal power, making its structures seem innocent”(112). This time when a father trades his daughter like chattel to another man, it is done more discreetly and disguised as love. Prospero, the ruler of the island, controls the island with magic and the lives of the islands inhabitants, including his daughter, with unquestioned authority (146). Out of the three humans living on the island, Miranda is the only female. She relies on Prospero as a caregiver and nurturer because with no mother present, Prospero takes on the role of both parents. She is a virtuous girl who diligently obeys her father. Here it is clear where Shakespeare allows patriarchal household values to transcend into the play even though the setting is far from society. Typically when a character is placed in a pastoral, a simplified, natural setting, he is changed and returns “to society with values clarified”(133). So for Prospero to be on the island and expect his daughter to honor him, sustains the role of male authority as a natural and clarified value.

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