Link: Doodle was disabled and he didn't really care but his brother cared more than anyone else because his brother felt like he was being punished because he had to drag his brother around so he pushed doodle to hard and ended up losing doodle to death.
Thesis Statement: The narrator didn't like having a brother who couldn't explore with him so he would be a bad brother and only think about himself.
Topic Sentence Making your brother walk so you won't have to drag him everywhere and not thinking about how he feels about walking can hurt the brothers …show more content…
Evidence (Cite it!) he makes his brother touch his own casket when he didn't want to so he left him up there but scared him then came back page 4 The scarlet ibis James hurst
Tie Back when you're forcing others to do things and they don't want to or they can't do it but you push them for their own good and not yours you can really hurt or in this case kill them.
Concluding Sentence When the narrator left doodle up on the loft by his casket he was being a bully and a bad brother because brothers joke around here and there but to make your brother start to cry for no purpose and for no good outcome why would you even do it.only thinking about your self can harm others around you.
Set Up When the little brother says he can't walk and that he didn't want to try anymore the older brother or the narrator made him keep trying for his own good not his brothers.
“brother” “brother” “don't leave me don't leave me” page 11 The scarlet ibis james hurst
Concluding Sentence Is pushing people to their limits a good or bad thing , do you think it can do more harm than good to have people go out of there comfort zone and try new things that they never thought they would be able to do that would make there life