
Similarities Between The Hurricane And To Kill A Mockingbird

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Similarities Between The Hurricane And To Kill A Mockingbird
The most segregated place in the world is a city called Milwaukee in America. The residents there are 99% white. The unbearable racism against the black Americans has nauseated the world, but there’s still a large percentage of Americans who don’t see this as an issue. Racism lives and it’s thriving in America.
In the 1930’s American novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” and the 1999’s film “The Hurricane”, black people are always the ones who are forced to endure unfair treatment and insults just because of the colour of their skin.
Fortunately, there’s always a voice that stands up for impartiality. In their hearts, they believe racism is wrong and they stand up for the ones being badly treated.
But is the voice loud enough to make a change? Go ask Atticus in “To Kill a Mockingbird” and the
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Black Americans were always treated as second class citizens. They didn’t get the treatment they deserved, they didn’t get the respect they deserved, and they were isolated.
Tom Robinson is a respectable, altruistic Negro who suffers from discrimination and unfair treatment his whole life. He has been charged with raping Mayella Ewell, the daughter of a white man. Atticus Finch represents the voice of impartiality and defends Tom Robinson in court.
The case was over before it started as the town’s people, blinded by their racism and prejudice had a guilty verdict in mind. These white people believed that blacks are driven by their animal instincts and would rape a white woman.
When Tom was been examined Atticus asked him why he had fled the scene and Tom said he was scared. When asked why he was scared, he replied: “Mr Finch, if you were a nigger like me, you’d be scared, too.” [P201] Things not always fair but it’s not always just. Atticus, who’s defending Tom the whole time, he’s the lawyer of Tom and he’s the one who never rethink or vacillate about his

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