Lenin’s NEP and Stalin’s Five Year plans were similar in that they both were devised in attempt to better the economy in Russia, they both were based on the benefit from agriculture since Russia had a lot of farms, they both were supposed to better the lives of the people, and they relied on the peasant. They were different in that the NEP was a form of capitalism in which private property was allow, that the peasants had a reasonable quota to meet and could sell their surplus themselves, small business were successful, and it increased the standard of living of the peasants and works. The Five Year plans took away private property, began collectivization of farm, set unreasonably high quotas that were impossible to meet, decreased the standard of living of peasants, resulted in strikes and revolts of farmers, and industrialized Russia. The one that was more successful was the NEP because the economy prospered and reached pre- World War I levels. There was success for the small business and since peasants could sell their surplus, not as many people were starving. Unlike under Stalin’s Five Year plans, there was not much of a shortage of food for the people. The standard of living for the workers were higher under the NEP. The societal costs to achieve quotas under Stalin were that it made the standard of living for the workers worse since the unrealistic quotas were set that the peasants could not meet. There was food shortages and Stalin did not care enough to do something about. Even when his wife brought to up to him, he completely ignored it. Peasants opposed the collectivization and burned their crops as a response. In the Ukraine, as a result of the quotas, there was a man-made famine in 1932 to 1933. Millions of people dies under the 5 Year plans. Additionally, workers could only buy 60 percent of what they did in 1913 because consumption had to be decreased in order to pay for
Lenin’s NEP and Stalin’s Five Year plans were similar in that they both were devised in attempt to better the economy in Russia, they both were based on the benefit from agriculture since Russia had a lot of farms, they both were supposed to better the lives of the people, and they relied on the peasant. They were different in that the NEP was a form of capitalism in which private property was allow, that the peasants had a reasonable quota to meet and could sell their surplus themselves, small business were successful, and it increased the standard of living of the peasants and works. The Five Year plans took away private property, began collectivization of farm, set unreasonably high quotas that were impossible to meet, decreased the standard of living of peasants, resulted in strikes and revolts of farmers, and industrialized Russia. The one that was more successful was the NEP because the economy prospered and reached pre- World War I levels. There was success for the small business and since peasants could sell their surplus, not as many people were starving. Unlike under Stalin’s Five Year plans, there was not much of a shortage of food for the people. The standard of living for the workers were higher under the NEP. The societal costs to achieve quotas under Stalin were that it made the standard of living for the workers worse since the unrealistic quotas were set that the peasants could not meet. There was food shortages and Stalin did not care enough to do something about. Even when his wife brought to up to him, he completely ignored it. Peasants opposed the collectivization and burned their crops as a response. In the Ukraine, as a result of the quotas, there was a man-made famine in 1932 to 1933. Millions of people dies under the 5 Year plans. Additionally, workers could only buy 60 percent of what they did in 1913 because consumption had to be decreased in order to pay for