In this essay I will be covering the similarities, differences, and uniqueness of theme in three of Flannery O’Connor’s short stories. The stories I will be discussing are A Good Man is Hard to Find, Revelation, and Good Country People. O’Connor was considered to be a type of religious propaganda. At least one character in her stories had a name or behavior that reflected religion. Her stories most often had an aggressive twist to them. The epiphany in her stories basically always arose from the violent and aggressive twist.…
Writers of modern stories are interested in portraying life. Often, in their stories, we get ideas and find the chance to see, examine, and question ourselves. For example, in James Joyce’s “Eveline,” we observe how fear of the unknown affects a young woman’s future; In Richard Wright’s “The Man Who was Almost a Man,” we see how a young boy’s inability to accept moral responsibilities impacts his life, too. “How would we handle their challenges?” Who is the stronger individual? The answer lies within.…
When an author writes a story, he or she will generally use different writing techniques to create the piece. These techniques have the ability to turn a story into something truly unique, as they allow the story to unfold in it’s own way. In the short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, author Flannery O’Connor used the techniques of symbolism and foreshadowing throughout the entire piece to create a deeply captivating story, as so many of the details mentioned in the beginning of the story are glimpses of the end.…
In the comparison of two novels, Wise Blood by Flannery O’ Connor and Maus I & II by Art Spiegelman, it is first important to understand the objective differences between the two. The former is a fictional telling of Hazel Motes’ world – where he is at a constant struggle to understand his own faith along with the battle against an industrialized version of religion. The latter, on the other hand, is a true account of one man’s battle through the Holocaust in the form of a direct conversation with his son, the writer. It almost seems criminal to compare the two, but when delving in deeper it doesn’t seem too out of the ordinary to imagine the similarities that could be found not between the two main characters (with the assumption of Art Spiegelman,…
‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’ by Ambrose Bierce and ‘The Red Convertible’ by Louise Erdrich both recount sorrowful tales of men during times of war. The stories differ in that ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’ is a story written in reverse, where the readers do not truly know the plot until the end- whereas ‘The Red Convertible’ is just a man recounting the story of his long lost brother. However despite their differences, both of the stories continue to build up hope in the reader only to find nothing but a sorrowful story at the end.…
In Flannery O’Connor’s short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” the grandmother goes through a dramatic and ironic change of events during a family trip to Florida. O’Connor uses foreshadowing and irony to portray the main conflict. The conflict plays a role that in which the grandmother’s character is transformed for the better due to the traits she had in the beginning of the story.…
Written two centuries apart, “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “Where Are You Going; Where Have You Been” by Joyce Carol Oates are two seemingly different stories. However, if looked at closely, several elements can be tied together. Each story has a similar point of view, but the story is told from two different perspectives. Several themes are unique to the stories, but deep within similarities can be found. The authors conclude their stories in two different ways, but the endings are somewhat the same. These two stories contain elements that are obviously contrasting, yet comparable at the same time.…
Similar does not always mean the same. Like husbands or chocolate many things may start off as similar, but are represented differently. Just like sisters who derive from the same parents, they may look the same and represent the same genetic code but have different characteristics. In like manner, writers use similar techniques but in divergent ways using unique characters to represent similar ideas. Correspondingly, in the short stories Arena by Frederic Brown and Through Thy Bounty by Lucy A. Snyder; both writers use the same elements of Dystopia and manage to emphasize the same aspects of humanity through different characters.…
Blah blah blah, “Marigolds”, blah blah blah, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, blah blah blah, comparison between narrators, blah blah blah, “English essay is due Monday morning, pump something out right now Quinton!” , blah blah blah, they are similar because they are female, blah blah blah, and so ends the story. A couple hours ago, the paper you are reading would have sounded exactly like the above paragraph. That was however, until inspiration came in the form of actually sitting down and reading the stories “Marigolds” and “A Good Man Is Hard to Find’’ again. Re-reading the two stories and analyzing each of its characters with a magnifying lens to uncover the subtext, has led to the unbelievable conclusion that the Grandmother from “A Good Man Is Hard to Find’’ and Lizabeth…
In “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, O’Connor seems to suggest that only through conflicts can the “good” in people be found. The way that the grandmother seems to dwell in the past suggests that she believes that it would’ve been easier to find a “good” man a long time ago. To the grandmother, trying to find goodness today would prove to be very challenging and possibly even useless. Through the use of symbolism, foreshadowing, and metaphors, O’Connor develops the story’s theme.…
In these plays, they both found happiness in money. In the Necklace, Mathilde “had no dresses, no jewels, nothing. And she loved nothing but appearance of its possession, led Mathilde to borrow an expensive necklace from a wealthy friend to show it off at the ball she was invited to by the Minister of Public Instruction. She ended up losing the necklace and worked half of her life to get it back. Not knowing that the necklace was fake. She didn’t want anyone to know that she had lost it, and would do anything to earn money.…
Authors of different short stories often create characters with similar, recognizable traits. At the same time, the authors give these characters different behaviors which help to communicate the story’s message. Mathilde from Guy De Maupassant’s “The Necklace” and Della from “Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry are two such characters. This pair of females has a number of similarities, yet they differ from each other greatly.…
There are many similarities , and differences in the short stories “The Gift Of The Magi”, and “ The Necklace”. In the plot both stories are having an event coming up soon. In The Gift of the Magi Christmas is coming up soon, on the other hand in The Necklace with the upcoming dance. In both stories they have little or nothing for this event. In the story the Necklace Mathilde isn't grateful for what she has, and wants to look wealthy. In both Stories Loisel, and Jim are both giving up money, and possessions for the sake of their partners. Also when Mathilde loses the necklace she hides it, on the contrary Della tries to fix her hair after losing it, and doesn't try to hide it from Jim. In conclusion in the two short stories “The Gift of the…
The two narratives mirror each other in the sense that they are about the relationships between parents and their children. The daughter hates the kind of story her father wants, while the father rejects her tale because he sees in it her inability to face tragic realities of fiction and life. Their different attitudes towards the possibility of opportunities and change, fictional or real, stem from their different worldviews and experiences.…
At the beginning of the story, Mathilde was selfish, ungrateful, and was always complaining about her life. After she lost her friend’s necklace and needed to work hard during ten years to get money to buy a new necklace for her friend, she blamed Madame Forestier for having miserable days since the lost of the necklace.…