Intro: In Walt Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Belle is held captive in the Beast’s castle. He creates a manipulative environment for Belle to live in. He threatens to starve her if he does not go on dates with him as well as acts out in anger when she does not follow his commands. However, Belle falls in love with the Beast and suffers from Stockholm Syndrome. Belle’s love for the Beast ends up breaking his monstrous spell and making him a handsome prince again. The hidden message behind Beauty and the Beast is that if you stick with your abuser long enough, he or she will change and you both will eventually live happily ever after together.
Summary: Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, begins by a handsome, spoiled prince living in a beautiful castle. One cold winters night an old beggars women comes to the castle asking for shelter in exchange for a rose. Repulsed by her unattractive appearance the prince turned her away. The beggar women “warned him to not be deceived by appearances, for beauty was found within”. The prince rejected the beggar once again. The women saw there was no love in his heart so she casted a spell on him and turning him into …show more content…
Most children who grew up watching Beauty and the Beast view it as a romantic love story that ends happily ever after. Moreover, it is assumed that the moral of the story is that love comes from within, and what matters most is one’s kindness, compassion and ability to love. However, there is also a troubling message behind the classic Disney movie; that one should stay with their abuser until they change. The movie shows that with enough love and patience, one can turn an arrogant, self-serving abuser into a handsome prince. This teaches young women to be supportive of their abusive partners rather than encouraging them to seek help or leave their