Upon reading the piece for the first time, I did not understand what was going on. After a couple of days later, I think I get it, but I kind of understood only the first half which is enough. After reading a piece from Desert Notes by Barry Lopez, the message Mr. Lopez is trying to convey is to tell the reader to not to form conceptions, beliefs or ideas of something before actually knowing about it. This nicely fits the theme of preconception. In the beginning, you have the idea of something.…
A popular theme that echoes throughout the texts of many British authors is religion; mainly in the point of view from the Holy Bible. In most british literature, the reader can draw conclusions that the author drew insight from the stories based upon Christianity. This insight can be reflected by major characters or events that happen in the text. In the allegory “Lord of the Flies” Simon, a major character, reflects Jesus Christ because both have similar events happen to them. As similar events occur the reader can also theorize that Simon and Jesus share similar traits .…
In Marty Nemko’s article, “We Send Too Many Students to College,” he analyzes and questions whether college is truly worth the money. Marty “holds a Ph.D. specializing in the evaluation of education from the University of California, Berkeley, and subsequently taught there” (martynemko.com) as well as published five successful books. In addition to his novels, he previously was a columnist at San Francisco Chronical and The Atlantic Monthly, also a contributing editor at several other well-known companies. Nemko’s purpose is to convey the idea that, even though there may be reasons one would attend college, the complications overshadow the benefits. He adopts an impassionate tone in order to convince his adult audience to take a hard look at whether it is worthwhile for their children to attend college.…
Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness is the work for which Abbey is best known and by which he is most frequently defined. It contains his views on a variety of subjects, from the problems of the United States Park Service to an angry indictment of the evils of technology masquerading under the guise of progress. No voice is more eloquent in the praise of America's remaining wilderness nor more vitriolic in attacking those who would exploit and destroy it for profit.…
The article also addresses the unfairness of the VCE system, mainly pointing out its inability to accurately evaluate a student’s potential. Provocative in language and dismissive in tone, the writer bluntly refers to VCE as “a total beat up”, and asks a rhetorical question: “who’d want years of hard work reflected in just one set of numbers on a bit of paper?”, convincing the reader to recognize the harsh and unjust reality of the VCE system. The writer also emphasizes the fact that “doing well at high school is no measure of future success, and refers to some very famous people, “Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Paul Simon, and Russel Crowe,” who didn’t do well in school, yet managed to achieve many great things in life, as…
17 May 2011. All schools are experiencing piercing budget cuts around the nation. Schools are being forced to “nip here, adjust there.” All though the article refers to the cuts as just a nip and adjust, a person would feel like the budget cuts of today’s economy is more like a slash here, burn there. Theses budget cost will force students and teachers to attend new reduced programs at their schools. The cuts themselves are believed to be a “symptom” of a much larger problem- having genuine higher education still exists in our colleges today. Higher education is becoming “streamlined to fit into the demands of the economy, either in terms of conducting basic research that can be exploited for financial gain or by producing competent employees and managers to fill what positions the economy can still provide.” Surprisingly, private school art programs are experiencing the worst of the budget cuts. The percentage of private schools dropping their fine arts program is nearly double the amount of private schools. This article focuses on thirty six connected Arts campuses in the United States that are struggling against keeping their fine arts program alive. It explains how one campus in particular is working tremendously hard to keep their academic programs, which is fine arts, alive at all costs. The campus is currently freezing all faculty staff member’s salary so that they will not have to result to laying-off any of their employees or start cutting any of their lesser taken classes or programs. With the hard and tremendous work that this art community’s campus is doing, with a little help of a microscopic amount of raised tuition of four percent, it is obvious that this school is going to make it through the harsh economy struggles that we are facing today. The school even worked…
I, Jaelin Carter, am writing to you, Hetal Patel, to prove to you why I deserve to continue my college career here at Robert Morris University. Rightfully so, should I have been on academic probation seeing as though I did not take the opportunity to allow my true scholastic ability to speak for me. By no means am I using this appeal as a window to make excuses for my poor choices but to simply enlighten you on the troubling and disheartening incidents that occurred which unfortunately became my first priority.…
After watching the film on college sports I realized that many college athletes are taken advantage of. The film focus on a very diverse group of five different individuals in the sports world. There was a round table discussion with a former NFL Player, a columnist with ESPN New York, columnist with New York Times, Athletic Director of Princeton University, and an NBA Agent.…
Lee complained about college costs, and how much of it was being spent on a “pleasure ride” (par. 6). Upon observing any college site, one can find statistics on the percent of students using financial aid. There are multiple scholarships out there for students who search, differentiating between various subjects, such as, yet not limited to one’s: academic, athletic, and musical abilities.…
Few years later, when comparing her son’s life to that of his friends who made it through college, Lee (2001) notices sadly that “those who were savvy enough to go into computers at an Ivy League school walked into $50,000-a-year jobs. But that’s not everyone”. On the other hand the majority of them did find a job but not better than about $25000 a year and the rest is still searching for something to do and they may…
This story relates greatly to the life one faces beginning their career as a college student. Being placed in a new, unfamiliar area creates an opportunity for every person to create a new life for themselves. As one walks into their new life, there are thousands of different paths each person is able to take.…
The first essay “College is Worth the Cost” was the topic I chose, because it speaks to me more. However, I found Mr. Stephens’ article intriguing, so I wanted to make one of my discussions postings to be on that topic.…
For my entire life of schooling, both my parents and I would agree that I constantly complained about the educational systems in which I was enrolled. But when I actually take the time to think about everything I have been through, I realize that I have indeed had an excellent education. My schooling was full of opportunities and experiences, all of which contributed to the person I am today; adequate education has been an indispensable facet of my being. Sadly, not everyone has had this same privilege. And now as a college student, I am becoming even more aware of this sad fact. Looking around me in such a diverse city as Chicago, I find myself being more and more grateful. When I read Jonathan Kozol's Fremont High School, this these feelings were even more reassured.…
Scott Carlson, a talented writer studied English Literature in college and then went on to win first prize for beat reporting from the National Education Writers Association. Not long after in 1999, he joined the Chronicle of Higher Education. While here he wrote a scholarly journal article, “Is College Worth It? 2 New Reports Say Yes (Mostly)” where he discusses the cost and value of a college degree.…
The tone of the article is honest and inspirational. In the story of Andy Blevins, we learn how Andy didn’t complete college; he dropped out and he didn’t want to leave his summer job at a super market (265). Andy eventually worked his way up without a degree, making $35,000 a year with health benefits and a 401(K) plan (267). Andy’s story shows us that in some situations, not having a college education didn’t pay as good as having a college degree.…