Just because you have to have car insurance does not mean that you have to pay a lot for it. In fact, you should always shop for the best deal possible. You can make sure that you are getting the best deal when you compare car …show more content…
Adverts for cheap car insurance can be found everywhere. You may even have some websites and phone numbers memorised due to the prevalence of car insurance advertising. If not, you can do a quick search online using your favourite search engine. This will likely provide you with numerous deals that you would not have found otherwise.
Once you find a few great deals, you need to compare each so that you can find the best car insurance policy to meet your individual needs. Pay attention to the following:
� Premium � The premium is the amount of money that you will pay for the car insurance. Be careful not to compare car insurance based on premium alone. There are many factors that can affect the cost of a policy, and the lowest premium might not be attached to the best policy.
� Excess � The excess is the amount of money that you will have to pay out of pocket for any claim that you file. The excess that you choose directly affects the cost of your policy.
� Coverage � Make sure that you understand all that is covered and not covered when you compare car insurance. What looks like a great deal may turn out to be a stingy policy that doesn�t give you protection when you need