When I was little, I had some pretty bad nightmares. When it started really affecting me, my parents wrote up (in large print) a simple guided meditation script for me. Nothing complex, and nothing fancy. Considering that this script was designed to be read by me if a nightmare woke me, they didn't need to worry about putting me in a suggestible state of mind. All they needed to do was focus on imagery. I don't recall the details, but the image of the shining, fiercely protective unicorn banishing the nightmare to a realm of its own terror stays in my mind to this day, decades later. A few uses of this script, and the nightmares stopped bothering me altogether.
When preparing a guided meditation for a child, there are a few things to remember. You want to keep it short, but interesting. You don't need to worry as much …show more content…
A steady practice of meditation is beneficial to anyone, but a child is a natural. They may come out of the exploration having seen, heard, and experienced lots of things. Encourage them to write it down, or talk it out and write them down together. This is private information for the child's eyes only, but this can actually be a wonderful tool for self-understanding as they grow