Independent of the stage of economic development, entrepreneurship plays a significant role for the expansion, job creation and overall economic health within a country.In general,Entrepreneurship embodies three stages and they involve the following 6 cases:
Intent to start a business in 3 years
Total Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA)
Nascent Entrepreneurs
New firm entrepreneurs
Established Businesses
Business Exit
As far as I'm concerned,we can analyse the global entrepreneurial competitiveness in Singapore from three macroscopic aspects---Politics,Economy,Culture.All these three divisions encompass 9 framework conditions collectively.As can be seen in the table, Singapore was ranked quite highly in all framework conditions among 20 comparison countries. Specifically, Singapore was ranked 1st in the areas of Government Policies and Access to Physical Infrastructure, 2nd in Government Programs and 3rd in Research and Development Transfer. Across the 9 framework conditions, the lowest overall scores for Singapore were observed for Education and Training, Research and Development Transfer, and Market Openness, while the highest scores were observed for Access to Physical Infrastructure and Government Policies.
|Table 6.1.1 Overall |Singapore (average) |Rank |Average for selected |Selected economies |Selected economies |
|results for nine | | |economies (NES) |(Highest) |(Lowest) |
|framework conditions | | | | | |
|Framework conditions* | | | | | |
|Financial Support |3.1 |4 |2.7 |3.4 (Switzerland) |1.9 (Greece) |