
Singapore Population Census

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Singapore Population Census
Census of Population 2010 Advance Census Release ISBN 978-981-08-6819-2

© Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore

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Statistical activities conducted by the Singapore Department of Statistics are governed by the provisions of the Statistics Act (Cap.317). The Act guarantees the confidentiality of information collected from individuals and companies. It spells out the legislative authority and responsibility of the Chief Statistician. The Act is available in the Department’s Website (

The Census of Population 2010 was the fifth census carried out in Singapore since Independence and the fourteenth in the series of census taking in Singapore. The census is the most comprehensive source of information on population and households. It provides benchmark data for all demographic, economic and social statistics. The Census 2010 adopted a register-based approach, similar to the Census of Population 2000. Basic population count and characteristics were compiled from administrative sources. More detailed information on demographic, education, economic, transport, household and housing characteristics were obtained from a sample enumeration of about 200,000 households. As in the conduct of the Census 2000, a tri-modal collection strategy comprising

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