Interactions 2 Listening exercises
Homework due Thursday, October 3
Interactions 2, Chapter 1: Listening exercises
Note: If an assigned exercise says to do it with a partner, you can complete it on your own, with a friend from class, or with someone you know who speaks English at the same level you do.
Part 1: Pages 4-9
Do all the listening exercises (marked with a headphone icon) using your textbook CD.
Now do the following listening exercises for Part 1 on the textbook website.
1. Type the following very carefully into your Internet address bar: Note: Every “0”is a zero (number). The lines between “information” and “center” and “center” and “view” are underscores.
2. On the left side, you will see a box that says “Online Learning Center.”
In that box, >Click on the blue words “Student Edition.”
3. Turn on your computer speakers or put on your headphones.
4. In the upper left corner, >click on “Choose a Chapter.” Choose Chapter 1.
(a) >Click on “Specific Information.”
Listen to the conversation by clicking on the blue words near the top.
Answer the questions.
At the lower right, >click on Submit Answers
1. Check your answers. If you made mistakes, listen and answer again. Try for 100%!
2. At the bottom, under “Email your results,” fill in your name.
3. Next to “Section ID,” put “Communication 6.”
4. Email the results to your PCC email and to me:
(b) >Click on Email the results
Continue with Meaning from Context, Vocabulary, and Stressed Words.
For each one:
1. Listen first (there is no listening for the “Vocabulary” section).
2. Check your answers. If you made mistakes, listen and answer again.
3. At the bottom, under “Routing Information,” fill in your name.
4. Next to “Section ID,” put “Communication 6.”
5. Email the results to your PCC email and to me: