Chelsea P. Blackstone- Strother
Lewis Clark State College
The transition from a “nuclear” family normative, to single parent was one of the most dramatic social changes of the 20th century (Furstenburg, 2009). Research has shown that the growing rate of single- parent homes in our nation correlates to the increase in child poverty. The effects on a child who grows up in an economically disadvantaged home are not the only challenges they face, increase in high school dropout, unemployment and teen pregnancy will come into play for these children (Mathers,2010). However, there are many children in single families that go on to succeed, President Barrack Obama came from a single family, yet …show more content…
A chart found on USDA statistics showed, One third of single moms are food , “insecure” and another third spend over half of their earned money on housing which considers them for the threshold for “severe housing cost burden”(,2013).The Single parent will encounter many hard times in one year. In 2011, 42% of single parents experienced at least one of the nine hardships measured by the Census Bureau to compute economic hardship. The most common of these is not having enough food to eat. The others on the list of common hardships single parent- child families encountered were, 32% of single parents claimed they had unpaid utilities/ rent, and 23 percent needed to see a dentist (,2013). Single parents are also time poor, the parent has to work full time, sometimes with an additional job to provide for the family. This leaves little time to enjoy together for homework, or quality time …show more content…
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