You have 50 minutes to write an essay of 250-300 words on the above topic.
Whereas some decades ago, Vietnamese people preferred to live in extended households, which are composed of three or more generations, the family size now tends to diminish, resulting in nuclear and single parent family patterns. The latter, mainly the result of divorce or unplanned pregnancy, has various effects on family members as well as the whole society.
The first and foremost impacts caused by this practice are on the family itself. When the husband and wife have unmanageable conflicts and resolve to divorcing or separating, the misery is emerged in every member, especially the parents. Not only do single mothers/fathers suffer from psychological problems, but they also encounter financial troubles. Once divorced, usually the husband is responsible for submitting a sum of money to the wife, who takes the charge of raising the children. Despite this, single mothers, as a matter of fact, struggle to make ends meet, not to mention they have to educate their children without the assistance of the spouse. Accordingly, these kids in general lack opportunities of entire development compared with kids having both of parents. Not receiving a full care and encouragement, in addition to being isolated or even bullied by peers, children in this family structure are highly likely to drop out of school and relate to social evils.
Not only do single parent families affect their members but this practice also has tremendous effects on the society as a whole. First, children from these families more or less lack education, becoming unemployed and dependent on their single parents, hence