In their texts, God is a being with ultimate, divine power who is not merciful in regards to punishment. They both use harsh language and frightening imagery to illustrate their portrayal. In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, Edwards believes that God uses his divine judgement to determine when people get thrown into hell and that sinners will be punished for eternity. In The Day of Doom, Wigglesworth believes that God predetermines whether people will be saved or if they are sinful. Both texts are still influential today in terms of analyzing divine judgement and
In their texts, God is a being with ultimate, divine power who is not merciful in regards to punishment. They both use harsh language and frightening imagery to illustrate their portrayal. In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, Edwards believes that God uses his divine judgement to determine when people get thrown into hell and that sinners will be punished for eternity. In The Day of Doom, Wigglesworth believes that God predetermines whether people will be saved or if they are sinful. Both texts are still influential today in terms of analyzing divine judgement and